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Okay you mean you drink once in twenty days. I hope you start counting from 19.

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but sanjeev ok I agree with you that you feel relaxed from problems by having alcohol but it is a slow poison. By having alcohol what you do, you just become unconscious am i right?

SO I feel Instead of having alcohol try have a pill to get sleep. that also same only know

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Sir, I would like to answer only to "You said- exception... social ladies. So, I am social gent. I may add that drink is part of every civilization"
In women, there is exception. But man, we found most of them drinking. Why?
And I don't think drink is a part of civilization because excess drinking have always given rise to disorders in society.
If this drink was normal like other ones, I would have agreed . But its excess usage has always bring problems and all of them start with a little.
This 'a little' gradually becomes.....' a large'. Then why can't we avoid this 'a little' which will invite ' a large' in future, that may cause destruction of many families.

I am living in a state where men earns more than any other part of the country. But what use....more than the half he earns...he give daily to beverage corporation. I think, Kerala is one among the most alcohol consumed states.

Doesn't it indirectly mean.....people buy drinks because they have money?????

The suggestion to avoid 'a little' is welcome. That is why there is ban on advertising of wine. Even for those who drink, wine should be very small element like spice in food.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Sir , I want you to comment something on this statement
"Doesn't it indirectly mean.....people buy drinks because they have money?????"

Meera sandhu
Sir , I want you to comment something on this statement
"Doesn't it indirectly mean.....people buy drinks because they have money?????"

People do not spend a large amount on drinks. They spend on many other things. Nobody will spend on anything just because he has money. However, the habitual drinkers will spend even if they do not have money. They will cut expenses on essential things and family suffers. Some habitual drinkers turn to cheaper variety of drinks or country liqueur when they cannot afford the costly. It is for family to control such persons.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Sir , I want you to comment something on this statement
"Doesn't it indirectly mean.....people buy drinks because they have money?????"

People do not spend a large amount on drinks. They spend on many other things. Nobody will spend on anything just because he has money. However, the habitual drinkers will spend even if they do not have money. They will cut expenses on essential things and family suffers. Some habitual drinkers turn to cheaper variety of drinks or country liqueur when they cannot afford the costly. It is for family to control such persons.

But how they have become habitual drinkers? Is is not because they start drinking, when they earn high.....and they are not able to do their work properly when drinking habit took everything from them...their working potential and the ability to dream high. So, most probably such persons will loose their jobs and even then they can't stop drinking. It tempts them to do crimes.....Am I not right?
So question arises....why they start drinking too it not because, they begin to earn more?????
So money is a reason to start drinking too much?????

I have seen many families in my neighbourhood......
My parents own a small business firm. Lady workers are also there. Most of them are saying the same thing...."My husband is earning. But he spends it for drinking. But I want to bring up my kids. So, I am working."
I think poor people are more affected by this

Meera sandhu
Sir , I want you to comment something on this statement
"Doesn't it indirectly mean.....people buy drinks because they have money?????"

People do not spend a large amount on drinks. They spend on many other things. Nobody will spend on anything just because he has money. However, the habitual drinkers will spend even if they do not have money. They will cut expenses on essential things and family suffers. Some habitual drinkers turn to cheaper variety of drinks or country liqueur when they cannot afford the costly. It is for family to control such persons.

I partially agree with you. but, in may cases they spend more money on drinks. As one of my friend "He earn 15k per month but he spends 8-12k only for his drinks" He drinks daily around 500-800 rupees with his friends. on this case what do you say.!!

Sir , I want you to comment something on this statement
"Doesn't it indirectly mean.....people buy drinks because they have money?????"

People do not spend a large amount on drinks. They spend on many other things. Nobody will spend on anything just because he has money. However, the habitual drinkers will spend even if they do not have money. They will cut expenses on essential things and family suffers. Some habitual drinkers turn to cheaper variety of drinks or country liqueur when they cannot afford the costly. It is for family to control such persons.

I partially agree with you. but, in may cases they spend more money on drinks. As one of my friend "He earn 15k per month but he spends 8-12k only for his drinks" He drinks daily around 500-800 rupees with his friends. on this case what do you say.!!

liquor1.jpg.crop_display.jpg (You do not have access to download this file.)
liquor2.jpg (You do not have access to download this file.)
liquor3.jpg (You do not have access to download this file.)

Meera sandhu
It's the real picture of my state. Can you tell me, from where these photos are taken and for what purpose, they are waiting in queue?

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{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 5785]}

{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 5786]}

Meera sandhu
I know all these queue is only for "Drinks" .Its in front of "WINE SHOP". :blink:
In our state also we can find queue like this every night.. but not on daytime... :dry:

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