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I know all these queue is only for "Drinks" .Its in front of "WINE SHOP". :blink:
In our state also we can find queue like this every night.. but not on daytime... :dry:

we can see it at any time....if I tell the truth, most disciplined people of our state are those who are in queue before a Government beverage shop....because...they get it for low prize and government is earning very much through this business. Actually, no.1 tax of our state is through beverages

Meera sandhu
I dont how these people have alcohol , it is so bad in smell. Near to my house there is medical shop adjacent to the bar. I could n't even stand for a second at the medical shop due to that bad smell. So such bad smelling drink how these gues happily have into their tummy. Really strange. I feel the drainage water smell is better than alcohol smell

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I dont how these people have alcohol , it is so bad in smell. Near to my house there is medical shop adjacent to the bar. I could n't even stand for a second at the medical shop due to that bad smell. So such bad smelling drink how these gues happily have into their tummy. Really strange. I feel the drainage water smell is better than alcohol smell

Men find mistakes in dishes prepared by his wife and mother, even if it smells good. But, he can drink that dirty smell liquid. Really funny!!!! :silly:

Meera sandhu
I know all these queue is only for "Drinks" .Its in front of "WINE SHOP". :blink:
In our state also we can find queue like this every night.. but not on daytime... :dry:

we can see it at any time....if I tell the truth, most disciplined people of our state are those who are in queue before a Government beverage shop....because...they get it for low prize and government is earning very much through this business. Actually, no.1 tax of our state is through beverages


yes, this is really funny. when I was standing near that medical shop due that bar smell, I was about vomit.
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Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Most of the girls feel that way and some men too. I won't say I have never done that but that was our company's system to drinking a toast not necessary to drink it all, but a mere notion.

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yes, this is really funny. when I was standing near that medical shop due that bar smell, I was about vomit.

And there is one friend of mine who don't eat egg and whenever he smell OMELET being made somewhere he vomits.He has done it in front of me 2~3 times so i left eating Omelet in front of him. :laugh:

But then it depends on person to person some people just hate odor of alcohol and some just love to smell it. :laugh:
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Most of the girls feel that way and some men too. I won't say I have never done that but that was our company's system to drinking a toast not necessary to drink it all, but a mere notion.

yes, but i seen many of my friends vomiting after having drinks. :laugh: :lol:

yes, even I heard that people vomit after drinking. I think that they like to drink but their body dont suit for drink thats why it couldn't adjust inside and comes out as vomiting.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

yes, even I heard that people vomit after drinking. I think that they like to drink but their body dont suit for drink thats why it couldn't adjust inside and comes out as vomiting.

yes they vomit when they drink over their limit.I too have seen lot of people vomit after drinking. :laugh: I did it when i had the first sip in my life but never ever vomited afterwards as now i know my limit. :laugh:
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