They say they drink to forget their sorrows. :lol:

They say they drink as they can't digest much happiness so they need some way to share it. :lol:

What is your reason to drink? :)
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I am not a drinker so i am not a right person to respond. But I have heard that people drink either way, happy or sad.

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I am not a drinker so i am not a right person to respond. But I have heard that people drink either way, happy or sad.

Hmmm.......don't drink. :)

That's good really a marketing head of a company don't drink bit of surprise for me. :laugh:

I read somewhere you promised your daughter never to drink in your life.. :)
I am not a drinker :) So i think i cant able to say exact answer :)
But my friends say some time that they drink b'cox it gives happy, forget sad things. Basically unconscious stage... Out of mind.

I am not a drinker so i am not a right person to respond. But I have heard that people drink either way, happy or sad.

Hmmm.......don't drink. :)

That's good really a marketing head of a company don't drink bit of surprise for me. :laugh:

I read somewhere you promised your daughter never to drink in your life.. :)

That was about smoking that promise and not drinks, I had drinks on rare occasions just for the sake of toast, that's all. Never a drinker.

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I am not a drinker :) So i think i cant able to say exact answer :)
But my friends say some time that they drink b'cox it gives happy, forget sad things. Basically unconscious stage... Out of mind.

Good to know that you don't drink :) and those who drink always have this excuse. :laugh:
They say they drink to forget their sorrows. :lol:

They say they drink as they can't digest much happiness so they need some way to share it. :lol:

What is your reason to drink? :)
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Sanjeevvvvvv!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :woohoo: :woohoo:
I don't drinkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh no...............
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Meera sandhu
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A drink to a drinker is a means to get the 'kick' of joy as well as sorrow!!
But it kicks like a mule does some times. Joy, I don't see any joy but waste of every thing, including money and health.

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But it kicks like a mule does some times. Joy, I don't see any joy but waste of every thing, including money and health.

Good boy.
If every man think like this, then how many families will be saved....I am counting.....1....2...3.....Infinitive

Actually can you tell me please, how are you able to drink this dirty smell liquid??????

Meera sandhu
My drink is socially originated. I never drank in my college days. In 1966, I was employed on field posting in Border area. I worked and lived in tented accommodation and had to dine in military mess. There everyone would drink. I could not resist long and began drinking. Thus I am consuming alcoholic drink since my late teens. But now I do not drink regularly. This is only occasional and moderate.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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