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Name a single thing in the world whose excess does not produce a disaster!! Even too much honesty!!
Name a single thing in the world whose excess does not produce a disaster!! Even too much honesty!!

Hmmm.. nice quote excessive honesty!! :(

Let me think it today...hehehe... :laugh:

May be excessive knowledge can't be a dangerous thing. :)
But sanjeev, if there are no problems also men are having drink. What is the reason behind this?

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Name a single thing in the world whose excess does not produce a disaster!! Even too much honesty!!

Hmmm.. nice quote excessive honesty!! :(

Let me think it today...hehehe... :laugh:

May be excessive knowledge can't be a dangerous thing. :)

Excessive knowledge also could be dangerous. It is foolish to be wise where ignorance is bliss. This thread is also a case of excessive knowledge. It appears that non drinkers know about drink more than drinkers.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Excessive knowledge also could be dangerous. It is foolish to be wise where ignorance is bliss. This thread is also a case of excessive knowledge. It appears that non drinkers know about drink more than drinkers.

Are you saying about ladies? :woohoo:

Meera sandhu
I am feeling the same, I must start doing it from today. I will be better off.

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Excessive knowledge also could be dangerous. It is foolish to be wise where ignorance is bliss. This thread is also a case of excessive knowledge. It appears that non drinkers know about drink more than drinkers.

Are you saying about ladies? :woohoo:

No I am not gender specific. If men are drinkers and ladies non drinkers, this is a mere coincidence. My contents bear no reference to exact persons, places or gender.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I know a lots of women in rural and urban areas of our eastern states drink regularly. they even brew it their own place. They do it for fun.

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I know a lots of women in rural and urban areas of our eastern states drink regularly. they even brew it their own place. They do it for fun.

I know about tribal. The women definitely drink. In Jharkhand, men and women both drink 'rice beer'. Many women drink in company of their husbands and close friends only. There is nothing so significant about this. The policy of prohibition has made this more attractive. If lifted and wine available in general merchant shop, there will be no attraction left. Just listen the song of Five Rifles.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

In Bangalore, there are separate bars/restaurants for ladies only :woohoo:

Meera sandhu
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