is a community-driven article and knowledge sharing portal. Members can share their knowledge with other members and visitors of the website and make them-self popular in the massive Internet world. is used not only as a platform to share the content and knowledge, but also a useful tool to learn from the vast amount of knowledge shared by thousands of registered users of the website. The content directory is a host of all the articles posted by the community and is available for the visitors of to read and learn from the extensive knowledge,

Members can also interact with fellow members on forums and can quickly get clarified for the queries they post on these forums. This way they not only get their doubts clarified but also share their wisdom so that everyone is benefited from the bountiful knowledge-sharing.

All the members on have a wonderful place to communicate and make friends on the ' Community' section; a self-moderated and content sharing social networking platform. Browse through the groups of your interest, join, discuss, and also participate in group discussions in the Community. You can also browse the users' database on and make friends by inviting them and asking them to join your group.

'Whom do you think is the best politician of all time? Do you know what is the best performing printer for your computer? What is the view of Indians on the tag line "Unity in Diversity"? All such questions are answered in our polls section. Now you can create your own poll and know what others are thinking about your views!

And last but not the least, all members of have a wonderful opportunity of making money by sharing their knowledge, by posting articles, weblinks, polls, referring friends, and participating in contests. So be part of the boddunan family and register now on boddunan.


I was never a good writer neither reader but boddunan made a good reader.  - Atul Barapatre

If You Are Out of Boddunan, Boddunan is Not Out of You! - Chinmoy Mukherjee