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We can maintain cleanliness in public perfectly. If the governement pass rules that people who make public places untidy they should pay fine as people do in US

Tonnes of garbages are made every day. Government should make a separate dumping ground for disposal of garbages outside the city. In Kolkata, everywhere garbage is seen and it lies within the city. As a result, mosquitoes and flies makes people, :sick: living nearby, sick.
Mostly we can see our own streets with lot of rubbish. No one throw it in the dust bit. They are lazy and they throw on the roads at the entrance of others house. This is really bad on their part. Without the help of public no one can do anything for keeping public places clean. For maintaining public places to be clean public should themselves should follow cleanliness rules that dust should not thrown out, they should be placed in the dustbin which is provided by the municipal corporation.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Mostly we can see our own streets with lot of rubbish. No one throw it in the dust bit. They are lazy and they throw on the roads at the entrance of others house. This is really bad on their part. Without the help of public no one can do anything for keeping public places clean. For maintaining public places to be clean public should themselves should follow cleanliness rules that dust should not thrown out, they should be placed in the dustbin which is provided by the municipal corporation.

But the issue is how to make the public perform their civic duty. People simply do not care. They do not bother even about fine. So, will it be right to punish by caning as in Singapore.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I think until government don't make a rule of not throwing Garbage on the street, we Indians can't improve. Strict rule should be like.
I have lived in Nigeria. Its a poor country, but they don't throw Garbage on Street. There is one discipline.

Want to make each day Accountable

Punishing people for simple thing is not at all correct. But keeping fine is the correct thing. So if any person through rubbish on the road then he should be fined of some 50 rs. Then people will surely feel that they should not throw anything in public places, if they throw then they will be fined, so unnecessarly they need to pay and waste their money. So from then they will stop such things.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I am agree with Sarala and yes we have most responsibility to keep it clean as we make it dirty.
Punishing people for simple thing is not at all correct. But keeping fine is the correct thing. So if any person through rubbish on the road then he should be fined of some 50 rs. Then people will surely feel that they should not throw anything in public places, if they throw then they will be fined, so unnecessarily they need to pay and waste their money. So from then they will stop such things.

The actual experience differs. People do not bother about fine. They will pay fine readily but not mend themselves. They break traffic rules and readily pay fine.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Punishing people for simple thing is not at all correct. But keeping fine is the correct thing. So if any person through rubbish on the road then he should be fined of some 50 rs. Then people will surely feel that they should not throw anything in public places, if they throw then they will be fined, so unnecessarily they need to pay and waste their money. So from then they will stop such things.

The actual experience differs. People do not bother about fine. They will pay fine readily but not mend themselves. They break traffic rules and readily pay fine.

Sir, I want to ask that Is there any rule, which is made by the Government, to control the Garbage? We see the Foreign Countries clean and when we see our Country, we can't even try to compare, because in cleanliness, they are far more Better than us.

Want to make each day Accountable

How to maintain cleanliness in public places?

Indian cities are the filthiest in the world with absolutely no proper garbage disposal and management.It is becoming worse by the day and no matter how much an individual does in his capacity it is not enough since it requires mass involvement and also a serious effort by the authorities in charge...

Absolutely we cannot leave it to MCD personnel only we will have share the responsibility to make our city look better. When I see any foreign city it gives me a feeling that it would take at least 10 years to come to that level once we will start it today. :blink:

You are right Sanjeev, there is a lot of patriotism and pride in most foreigners and they also have a well developed v civic sense so much so that they tell you when you are doing something that is causing a nuisance and of course no one thinks of littering there like they do here except probably in areas where Indians dominate..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Avoid throwing covers or any unwanted things to public places
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