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SJ, Such people have no civic sense. But we should never change our habit and we should teach our children also that we should not spoil public places.

People who don't have civic sense how can we expect them that they will teach their kids. :evil:
thats why we should not about such people, we should bother only who listen to us, I feel our friends, close relatives and kids will surely listen to our words.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

thats why we should not about such people, we should bother only who listen to us, I feel our friends, close relatives and kids will surely listen to our words.[/quote

Most of the people get irritated when they are told not to do things which destroys beauty of the city and its better not to argue with them as sometimes it may prove to be harmful. I remember once I asked a person not to smoke at public place but he did not and the height was I had to leave that place. :evil:
we should not throw wastage material here and there. its is the duty of the public to clean the public places.

How many of us participating here actually follow this consciously, I wonder??? Whenever we go out on a trip or somewhere I always carry an extra bag and put all the waste paper, packages of biscuits, fruit peels etc. in that bag and carry it back home!

I have never seen more than 1% people doing that!

That's a nice thing you are practicing. I hope whoever read your post will be inspired to follow your way. As for me I am like Sarala, I either put the waste in the dustbins or in my handbag if I don't see any dustbins nearby.

I agree, when every individual does the same, taking care to protect and keep his environment clean there is bound to be positive changes.But sadly most people dont even bother with such things.I see that on Monday mornings the parks are full of every kind of litter,papers,plastic,stale food all thrown from the previous day when families visit in large numbers and have a picnic meal ..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Till the thinking of people won't change, it is very difficult to ask people to change and keep the public place clean.

Want to make each day Accountable

This is a much needed topic. Most of the states banned the usage of carry bags. Other states also need to be implement this immediately. Many tourist destinations especially gardens, park and beaches are getting spoiled much because of these carry bags. Apart, from the steps taken by state governments, It is everyone's responsibility to help keeping the place clean.

Born to express, not to impress.
I feel the public places should be provided with dustbins and if anyone throw anything in public places they should be punished. as in some mals people won't let us throw anything.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

This is a much needed topic. Most of the states banned the usage of carry bags. Other states also need to be implement this immediately. Many tourist destinations especially gardens, park and beaches are getting spoiled much because of these carry bags. Apart, from the steps taken by state governments, It is everyone's responsibility to help keeping the place clean.

Yes that would make a difference as most of the state governments have banned using poly bags. There are still many things which we have to think no government can do it. Government can only make laws and we have the responsibility to respect those rules. :)
Actually everything is good to say but the this is the question of morality. We should have some responsibly to maintain these all.
This is a much needed topic. Most of the states banned the usage of carry bags. Other states also need to be implement this immediately. Many tourist destinations especially gardens, park and beaches are getting spoiled much because of these carry bags. Apart, from the steps taken by state governments, It is everyone's responsibility to help keeping the place clean.

Yes that would make a difference as most of the state governments have banned using poly bags. There are still many things which we have to think no government can do it. Government can only make laws and we have the responsibility to respect those rules. :)

Absolutely Correct. Only we people have to change us. We need to take the responsibility to keep our Country clean.

Want to make each day Accountable

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