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Don't spit in the public places. We should have to maintain the public places are very clean.

Yes this happens with people they spit anywhere they like on the public places and keep their homes clean but they forget that we should also try to keep public places clean like our homes to make our city look beautiful. :)
Don't spit in the public places. We should have to maintain the public places are very clean.

Yes this happens with people they spit anywhere they like on the public places and keep their homes clean but they forget that we should also try to keep public places clean like our homes to make our city look beautiful. :)

The villagers are never going to improve themselves. In Government Buses, I have seen them splitting Gutkha everywhere. I travel a lot and have seen no change in these 4 years. Even they smell so bad that we can't even stand near them. This untidiness is lot in Villagers. I don't think we can even improve them.

Want to make each day Accountable

Don't spit in the public places. We should have to maintain the public places are very clean.

Yes this happens with people they spit anywhere they like on the public places and keep their homes clean but they forget that we should also try to keep public places clean like our homes to make our city look beautiful. :)

The villagers are never going to improve themselves. In Government Buses, I have seen them splitting Gutkha everywhere. I travel a lot and have seen no change in these 4 years. Even they smell so bad that we can't even stand near them. This untidiness is lot in Villagers. I don't think we can even improve them.

Thank God Gutka is banned in Delhi now so no more spitting there on the road but still people don't hesitate spitting on the road as if they are at their homes, Government should be strict and should take an action against such people. :blink:
If each individual is conscious and working towards keeping at least his/her surroundings clean, we can hope for some positive change.But I see most people cleaning up their own houses and gardens and throwing the rubbish into other people's compounds or on the road sometimes even blocking the footpaths without having any consideration for other people...

That's right, Usha! common Indian mentality is clean your homes and throw the garbage out - that out can be anything from your neighbour's garden to a public footpath! While we are a stickler fro personal cleanliness and spotless homes, no one thinks twice before spitting on a footpath or inside the public transports etc. If this habit were strictly controlled by way of severe fines, then probably people would think twice before littering and dirtying public spaces.

Yes Kalyani , that is the only thing that really helps ! the moment a person has to pay fine or is put into financial constraints he or she will immediately tow the line...It is however very difficult to change the mentality of the masses in India, we can see it in our day today lives..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

If each individual is conscious and working towards keeping at least his/her surroundings clean, we can hope for some positive change.But I see most people cleaning up their own houses and gardens and throwing the rubbish into other people's compounds or on the road sometimes even blocking the footpaths without having any consideration for other people...

In Foreign countries what are the rules that has been put, that they don't throw garbage on streets. I think the same rule should be followd in our country.

Want to make each day Accountable

If each individual is conscious and working towards keeping at least his/her surroundings clean, we can hope for some positive change.But I see most people cleaning up their own houses and gardens and throwing the rubbish into other people's compounds or on the road sometimes even blocking the footpaths without having any consideration for other people...

In Foreign countries what are the rules that has been put, that they don't throw garbage on streets. I think the same rule should be followd in our country.

They have different rules in different countries like say for example in Singapore littering , even a scarp of paper n the streets ,means paying a fine of 500 dollars which is about Rs 21,000 / , this is the case in other countries as well especially in Europe where everything is clean..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

we should not throw wastage material here and there. its is the duty of the public to clean the public places.

Sharmistha Banerjee
The public should be given deep awareness of throwing garbage. I mean disadvantages of throwing garbage. I feel same kind punishment should be implemented in our country which are implemented in few foreign countries implement.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

If each individual is conscious and working towards keeping at least his/her surroundings clean, we can hope for some positive change.But I see most people cleaning up their own houses and gardens and throwing the rubbish into other people's compounds or on the road sometimes even blocking the footpaths without having any consideration for other people...

In Foreign countries what are the rules that has been put, that they don't throw garbage on streets. I think the same rule should be followd in our country.

Actually, there are heavy fines in foreign countries for spitting or littering etc. and that is why people are extra careful. But whatever, now down the line, they have also become extra cautious and also conscious that they do not dirty public places.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

we should not throw wastage material here and there. its is the duty of the public to clean the public places.

How many of us participating here actually follow this consciously, I wonder??? Whenever we go out on a trip or somewhere I always carry an extra bag and put all the waste paper, packages of biscuits, fruit peels etc. in that bag and carry it back home!

I have never seen more than 1% people doing that!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

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