General Reference

  • If you get 5 Crore rupees at your doorstep

    Today 500 & 1000 rupee notes are just papers without any face value. Now news are roaming around, money found abandoned in dust bin, rivers etc. What if you get a bag of 1000...
  • If elephants could fly.....

    • Answered
    • Question asked by Sandhya Rani
    • 8 years ago.
    • 6 answers
    I have once asked the same question in humour section of Boddunan and got some witty answers. Now many new members have joined the site and let me see how their response would...
  • Every dark cloud has a silver lining, but......

    There is one saying "Every dark cloud has a silver lining". It means, for every unpleasant happenings, there is something good waiting for you. Thinking so, such unpleasant...
  • After watching a horror film.....

    Majority of us, including me prefer to say, "We don't believe in ghost". But what about after watching an extremely horror Hollywood/Bollywood film? Though it's unreal, will its...
  • There are many invisible colours

    Many researches say that cats' colour vision is limited to blue and grays. Same is the case of other living beings too. We believe that humans are lucky to see the 7 colours of...
  • Increasing Old Age Homes - A concern

    I read somewhere, once Gandhiji told,he wish to close all old age homes of India. He told so in the pretext that grown up kids should look after their old parents, it's their...
  • Any other article writing websites?

    • Answered
    • Question asked by Divya
    • 8 years ago.
    • 5 answers
    Hi Not sure if this question is against the rule. Admin can lock/delete it if needed. From recent posts I understood that some members are publishing articles in other sites as...
  • Are persons with high IQ intelligent in maths?

    Someone told me, a person who is brilliant in mathematics are the most intelligent persons of this world. The person himself is a bank employee with more than 12 or 15 experience...
  • Burgers and Sandwiches inside school campuses

    We did our school education at a time when fast food stayed away from school campuses. An ice-candy man or salted gooseberries used to be our main 'snack' items, that too outside...
  • What are the negatives of 'always stay positive' approach?

    Can 'always stay positive' strategy turn to be the biggest disappoint eof one's life? at least in some cases, this positive approach may prompt us to expect something for long...
  • Three necessary evils that can ruin a man

    Money is definitely a necessary evil. We can't live by depending on others. So we should earn money to live. But greed can ruin him. What could be two more such necessary evils...
  • Does Jealousy have any positive side?

    Definitely jealousy is a bad thing. But it's also said that if you are able to find at least one positive thing in any negative objects I say, it would be nice. What about...
  • Mistakes or Experiences?

    Human life is not free of mistakes, and repeat mistakes help us to learn new things and make us strong also. Some mistakes of life can be corrected, while a few can't be rewind....
  • Why chefs are mostly men?

    Since ancient ages, men has been the breadwinner of the families and ladies, perfect homemaker who prepare dishes and look after children. In the male dominated world, there was...
  • On which grounds an accussed will be charged of murder by our great 'Supreme Court'?

    In Kerala, Onam hangover is not over yet, and it ends on tomorrow only. But since yesterday when the verdict of the infamous Soumya rape and murder is out, festival season is...
  • Can jokes harm you?

    It's true joke is a form of entertainment and also acts as a good medicine to our mental ailments. Very often our simple jokes may backfire us because of bad timing or the person...
  • Do we deserve criticize India and politicians for disappointing performance in Olympics

    Last month, all social networking sites were fully active in discussing about India's poor performance in Olympics. It created big headlines in newspapers and television channels...
  • Do you think he is the real culprit?

    Yesterday it came a big surprise to me when, exactly on the 50th day Jisha's murderer was caught, a murder which shock the whole nation. But Jisha's father has told in press...
  • Nirbhayas born everyday! Women not safe even inside own home at daytime!

    It's hardly 3 and a half years passed by since 'Nirbhaya' shocked the whole nation. Against all odds, people across the country stood together and fought for justice and...
  • What makes a man successful?

    • Answered
    • Question asked by Jincy Aby
    • 8 years ago.
    • 13 answers
    Success means different things to different people. To some people, success might mean wealth, To others, it is recognition, good health, good family, happiness, satisfaction,...

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