Burgers and Sandwiches inside school campuses

We did our school education at a time when fast food stayed away from school campuses. An ice-candy man or salted gooseberries used to be our main 'snack' items, that too outside school premises. But now in our kids' era, almost all school campuses are well-equipped with fast food stores selling puffs, sandwiches, burgers and other fried items which are 100% unhealthy for growing kids. Such stores inside school campuses lure young kids to skip their daily meals and go for such fast food items. There are no measures to check the quality of food items provided. I feel it is a good idea if school canteens provide kids with meals or healthy breakfast items. But promoting such unhealthy items inside school campuses, isn't it business oriented? Shouldn't strict restrictions be provided for the supply of such food items?

Category: General Reference

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Burgers and sandwiches are harmful for children. When a Child bites in to a burger, his brain reward  system get activated.. Since Dopamine which is the main neurotransmitter responsible for pleasure and excitement  gets secreted. And then the child feel a complete lack and an intense demand from his for more.

In this scenario, it is better to give the Child home made food. Yes School campuses should not be allowed to sell such Junk food. Any violation of this should be Punished. After all children are the future of this Country

Sandhya Rani My daughter is studying is a management school. But if school authorities have given permission to do so, what can we do? I think it's pure business. And this junk food is situated just near to pre-primary and primary classes... can you believe it? But my daughter says, they need to take permission from teachers to go to canteen. That's a great idea - Sandhya Rani - 8 years ago
rambabu I agree. Any how, I believe, Playing with xhildrens health is suicida. I think the Government has to intervene and stop this Unhealthy Practice. - rambabu - 8 years ago


I agree with Usha. Burgers and sandwiches are staple food for many across globe. Sandwiches can be very healthy and so can burger if we load it with vegetables and lean meat/protein like soya chunks. And the base is whole grain bread. I give my daughters a variety of sandwiches with fruits and veggies, egg and chicken stuffings. As far as food on campus is concerned, I hope they maintain the hygiene and try to make it healthy for youngsters.  Eating healthy is a habit which children learn during their growing years while imitating their role models - family and teachers. No lecture will help if it is not practiced as a community. Once, the habit is established, they can chose wisely good over bad. Once in a while, we all indulge in junk food and I think that is ok. 



Processed food is unhealthy for anybody and should be consumed as less as possible. It is however difficult to have these foods from being served in schools.



First of all Burgers and Pizzas are national food in some countries so they are not as unhealthy as it is made out to be. i make burgers at home frequently and it is a complete meal that is far more nutritious that rice and curry which is not balanced.Burgers have either vegetable or meat cutlets or patties sandwiched in a bun like Vada pav, with some ketchup and mustard sauce and chopped tomatoes and lettuce. So where is the unhealthy part in it ? What could be bad is use of excessive sauces or mayonnaise which increases the caloric content.People who profess never to have eaten anything other than home food cannot know the good or bad qualities of  other foods unless they try it ..

Sandhya Rani We can make healthy snacks at home consuming less oil, sugar, fat etc. But we can't assure the safety of fast food items served outside. Main problem is boiling over same oil again and again. We cant assure hygiene also. - Sandhya Rani - 8 years ago


I agree with usha pizzas and bugers are not unhealthy but what makes them unhealthy is the unhygienic practices they use to make them so it is the responsibility of the school authority to see that these canteen people follow proper hygiene at their place.


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