After watching a horror film.....

Majority of us, including me prefer to say, "We don't believe in ghost". But what about after watching an extremely horror Hollywood/Bollywood film? Though it's unreal, will its impact stay in you for a while? Will you scare to go to a lonely room or stay in darkness soon after watching the film? If your answer is yes, why so?

A person who never believes in ghosts too, never prefers to watch a horror film alone in a theatre. Most of us definitely not. What's the reason behind it? Is it because in our inner mind, we are still confused, "Do paranormal forces exist?"

Category: General Reference

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Human mind is very complex and any scary and unexplained visuals or thoughts can be very disturbing to the mind whether one believes in it or not. Atmosphere and ones own state of mind too plays a role in confusing the home man mind mainly because there isno proof nor any valid explanation to the phenomenon. So, you could believe either way depending on your own beliefs and experiences.. Personally, I would take the stand that I would neither agree nor disagree about para normal activities 



There are certain things that go beyond our science and human understanding. I will club them all to paranormal activities.

Visual impressions make a long lasting effect. For a human mind, seeing is believing---that strong is the impact of visual impression. Though later we provide logic and try to come out of that. But once we see a scary scene, the impression really stays there for sometime.

As far as my belief goes, I do strongly believe in spiritual helpers who guide us and help us to go through the ups and downs of life. I somehow feel very connected to that world of spiritual helpers and feel that I have been helped many a times by God sent angels.

Sandhya Rani In the Malayalam month Karkidokam (last month of malayalam calendar), there is Karkidaka vavu (new moon day of that particular month) we pay special offerings 'Pithrutharpanam' for our dead ancestors. It's believed that our ancestors' souls stay in the family protecting us from evils and difficult situations, if we too please them doing special rituals on Karkidakavavu. They are called souls, not ghosts or paranormal, which we pay due respect. I think such customs are there in different forms in different parts of the country - Sandhya Rani - 8 years ago
Sandhya Rani it normally falls one month before Onam (between July 16 and August 16) - Sandhya Rani - 8 years ago
Sandhya Rani It is said that souls get full power on Vavu day and they get supernatural powers - Sandhya Rani - 8 years ago
Arunima Singh Interesting information. each culture has it including western cultures. In some European households they live milk in a bowl every evening for spiritual helpers. We do some rituals every morning and evening to make our house clean and pious to welcome these spiritual helpers or positive energy in India. Cleaning up house, prayers, lighting diya are all part of that - Arunima Singh - 8 years ago

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I think the best answer is with experience only. That gives us a clear picture but if one does not experience at all I think he should see that the reason such things are coming up is because may be they do exist.



Uri Geller became famous in 70s with his abilities to bend spoons, read thoughts etc. Science doesn't have any proof

about the existence of Paranormal forces. I believe it is the fear and gullibility in Humans that makes us believe the existence of Paranormal forces. I myself went to Smashans at mid night and nothing happened to me. It is my opinion. People may disagree. Hence I conclude that there are no Paranormal forces. That is altogether a different proposition.

Sandhya Rani I watched Conjuring 2 most recently. It's based on a real-life incident happened to a family. Photos were also shown during end credits. What could it really be? Certain instances are really surprising. Personally I too dont believe in ghosts - Sandhya Rani - 8 years ago


When we believe in God and we should also believe in ghost so I believe in the existence of paranormal force.


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