Internet Software & Web Goodies

  • how to do for Yahoo and bing for a website to rank?

    • Question asked by sarala
    • 8 years ago.
    • 2 answers
    Google is a best search engine among other search engines and most of the people prefer Google and even search engine opimizers also prefer but there are some who want their...
  • Which is the best free youtube downloader?

    I earlier had Raga downloader installed, but then I changed my PC and did not need the downloader for a few months. Now when I am searching for it on the internet, I cannot find...
  • Suggest a few free s/w to download video.

    • Answered
    • Question asked by Sandhya Rani
    • 11 years ago.
    • 5 answers
    I tried with real player, but it's not working. I have downloaded Torrent. But am confused to choose one, if select a cinema - 1000's will be listed. i also want to know if...