
  • Daily soaps or old Doordarshan serials?

    I think daily soaps started in the year 1994 with Shanti on Doordarshan, followed by Swabhiman. With cable network boom, small screen got completely dominated by daily soaps. If...
  • Is cookery show meant only for ladies ?

    • Answered
    • Question asked by usha manohar
    • 11 years ago.
    • 12 answers
    Most of the chefs are men and shows are hosted by men who are all awesome cooks but apparently the majority of the watchers are ladies...
  • Does TV neutralizes imagination?

    We can see everything on TV, every bit and brick of a lovely place that we may never get to visit, every beautiful animal from a country we can never see with our own eyes, this...
  • Do u think The Television show "Emotional Attyachar" is real?

    • Answered
    • Question asked by Bharat
    • 14 years ago.
    • 7 answers
    I really wan to ask this question to people, who are regular viewer of the show. Do think the couple and drama they have been showing is real and authentic.   Mostly couple I...