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Ya I think this is fact. And you can understand this by "Once a lie always a lie". You can start telling lie only once & it will give you courage every next time to tell lie again. Similarly once you start crime next time you get courage of doing the same crime again.
@Vikas....can you please remove that ad link from your post? It's against forum rules.

Meera sandhu
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
In a country where a poor man steals for bread, he is treated as a thief where, politicians and ministers who steal money from country's treasury are given great respect and reputation. Why this double standard? I feel politicians are no.1 criminals of the country. Even the poor people are paying tax for purchasing something. Money collected in this matter goes to politicians' pockets in one way or another. Yet, our country is always starving!!!!!!! So, who are the real thieves?

Yes Politicians are the most corrupted people in India but they still are given respect by we people I don't know why law becomes unlawful for those who steal bread when they have no money to buy food for their family and themselves. May be if Lokpal Bill has been implemented then there would have been some improvements. :blink:

Believe me, they would find a way to wriggle out of that as well, they use their intellect and brain power only to do that evade and outsmart the country's law...I doubt if they are given respect,most of us have no go but to bow down to them when there is need since they wield power..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Its difficult to believe those person who are criminal.Though they try to prove themselves that now they are changed we cannot believe them.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Some may steal things for fun. They have to realize it is not fun it will change our life. In several films we used to see some may steal things for doing good deeds.
Stealing whether it is done for fun or for helping others is still a crime and it cannot be overlooked nor justified...Many celebrities who are well off flick things from departmental stores, small stuff like lipstick,foundation etc..., this is called Kleptomania , why they do it is not clear since they can very well afford to pay for them...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Stealing whether it is done for fun or for helping others is still a crime and it cannot be overlooked nor justified...Many celebrities who are well off flick things from departmental stores, small stuff like lipstick,foundation etc..., this is called Kleptomania , why they do it is not clear since they can very well afford to pay for them...

I have heard about a mental problem stealing small things from shops, normal people including kids. Is it Kleptomania or something else?

Meera sandhu
They should realize their mistake and should change their habit.
Stealing whether it is done for fun or for helping others is still a crime and it cannot be overlooked nor justified...Many celebrities who are well off flick things from departmental stores, small stuff like lipstick,foundation etc..., this is called Kleptomania , why they do it is not clear since they can very well afford to pay for them...

I have heard about a mental problem stealing small things from shops, normal people including kids. Is it Kleptomania or something else?

Correct. This is kleptomania. stealing is also a mental perversion- a psychological trait. Obviously, such 'thieves' are for ever. .

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thank you said by: Sandhya Rani
Stealing whether it is done for fun or for helping others is still a crime and it cannot be overlooked nor justified...Many celebrities who are well off flick things from departmental stores, small stuff like lipstick,foundation etc..., this is called Kleptomania , why they do it is not clear since they can very well afford to pay for them...

I have heard about a mental problem stealing small things from shops, normal people including kids. Is it Kleptomania or something else?

Correct. This is kleptomania. stealing is also a mental perversion- a psychological trait. Obviously, such 'thieves' are for ever. .

Not necessarily, at least in some cases some celebrities after being caught take shelter behind this just to save their faces.It has happened with Indian celebrities also some Hollywood stars...once caught and exposed they seem to reform themselves though..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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