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1 year back, I saw a movie...can't remember its name right name. Moral story behind that movie was "Kill crime, not criminals!". It's a nice message. But I can't remember the movie name. I think it's a Bollywood movie.

Meera sandhu
This is fact once a thief always a thief.Even though the person had got the punishment for the crime he will always be seen suspiciouly by the society.This is not good actually people should give that a person a chance to start his/her life again.But then it depends on the crime the person has done. :blink:
If a person commit a heinous crime like murder or a kidnap for the very first time then of course there is no hope for such people.But when it is a small , minor crime committed because of the circumstances then one should make some allowances and give him a chance...Like Sandhya said the idea is to kill crime and not the criminals and their reputation which may be even worse..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

If a person commit a heinous crime like murder or a kidnap for the very first time then of course there is no hope for such people.But when it is a small , minor crime committed because of the circumstances then one should make some allowances and give him a chance...Like Sandhya said the idea is to kill crime and not the criminals and their reputation which may be even worse..

Exactly! for some minor issues they should not be seen suspisciously may be its the circumstances due to which he/she may have done this crime. :blink:
In a country where a poor man steals for bread, he is treated as a thief where, politicians and ministers who steal money from country's treasury are given great respect and reputation. Why this double standard? I feel politicians are no.1 criminals of the country. Even the poor people are paying tax for purchasing something. Money collected in this matter goes to politicians' pockets in one way or another. Yet, our country is always starving!!!!!!! So, who are the real thieves?

Meera sandhu
In a country where a poor man steals for bread, he is treated as a thief where, politicians and ministers who steal money from country's treasury are given great respect and reputation. Why this double standard? I feel politicians are no.1 criminals of the country. Even the poor people are paying tax for purchasing something. Money collected in this matter goes to politicians' pockets in one way or another. Yet, our country is always starving!!!!!!! So, who are the real thieves?

Yes Politicians are the most corrupted people in India but they still are given respect by we people I don't know why law becomes unlawful for those who steal bread when they have no money to buy food for their family and themselves. May be if Lokpal Bill has been implemented then there would have been some improvements. :blink:
It might not be easy for others to trust those who have been jailed for any crimes. But completely shunning them would only turn them into a hardened criminals. As many of you have already mentioned we need to consider under what circumstances the crimes were committed. If they are repentant of their actions, chances should certainly be given to them to come back to the straight path.
In a country where a poor man steals for bread, he is treated as a thief where, politicians and ministers who steal money from country's treasury are given great respect and reputation. Why this double standard? I feel politicians are no.1 criminals of the country. Even the poor people are paying tax for purchasing something. Money collected in this matter goes to politicians' pockets in one way or another. Yet, our country is always starving!!!!!!! So, who are the real thieves?

Let us collect data as to how many are in jail for stealing bread, biscuits etc only. Most of the criminals are in jail for big offences. Jail terms are based on severity of crimes. It is no use making sweeping statements like these though this may attract readers.

The bandits and big thieves get bigger jail sentence. These days, we do not have many 'uthaigeers' or petty thieves. The thieves have their own intelligence system. They gather information regarding cash and valuables before entering a house for theft. The thieves never attempt to enter a house where they know they will get no valuables and cash. In today's actual circumstances, it is meaningless to talk of bread thieves.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

In a country where a poor man steals for bread, he is treated as a thief where, politicians and ministers who steal money from country's treasury are given great respect and reputation. Why this double standard? I feel politicians are no.1 criminals of the country. Even the poor people are paying tax for purchasing something. Money collected in this matter goes to politicians' pockets in one way or another. Yet, our country is always starving!!!!!!! So, who are the real thieves?

Let us collect data as to how many are in jail for stealing bread, biscuits etc only. Most of the criminals are in jail for big offences. Jail terms are based on severity of crimes. It is no use making sweeping statements like these though this may attract readers.

The bandits and big thieves get bigger jail sentence. These days, we do not have many 'uthaigeers' or petty thieves. The thieves have their own intelligence system. They gather information regarding cash and valuables before entering a house for theft. The thieves never attempt to enter a house where they know they will get no valuables and cash. In today's actual circumstances, it is meaningless to talk of bread thieves.

Yes, I agree, today is the era of high tech thieves than before. Modern technologies used and most of all, cyber crimes. :evil: Yet can't deny the fact that still people are there who steals for just filling stomach.

Meera sandhu
In a country where a poor man steals for bread, he is treated as a thief where, politicians and ministers who steal money from country's treasury are given great respect and reputation. Why this double standard? I feel politicians are no.1 criminals of the country. Even the poor people are paying tax for purchasing something. Money collected in this matter goes to politicians' pockets in one way or another. Yet, our country is always starving!!!!!!! So, who are the real thieves?

Let us collect data as to how many are in jail for stealing bread, biscuits etc only. Most of the criminals are in jail for big offences. Jail terms are based on severity of crimes. It is no use making sweeping statements like these though this may attract readers.

The bandits and big thieves get bigger jail sentence. These days, we do not have many 'uthaigeers' or petty thieves. The thieves have their own intelligence system. They gather information regarding cash and valuables before entering a house for theft. The thieves never attempt to enter a house where they know they will get no valuables and cash. In today's actual circumstances, it is meaningless to talk of bread thieves.

Yes, I agree, today is the era of high tech thieves than before. Modern technologies used and most of all, cyber crimes. :evil: Yet can't deny the fact that still people are there who steals for just filling stomach.

Actually theft is also an employment. all economic activities- legal or legal are for physical needs only- hunger or luxury. The thieves in most cases choose this job. There are very less circumstantial thefts like stealing bread. This could be in England. Indians do not eat bread. They eat roti (chapati) and rice. For such petty things, people do not steal but turn beggars and queue before temples or Gurudwaras (Sikh temples).

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thank you said by: Sandhya Rani
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