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Stealing whether it is done for fun or for helping others is still a crime and it cannot be overlooked nor justified...Many celebrities who are well off flick things from departmental stores, small stuff like lipstick,foundation etc..., this is called Kleptomania , why they do it is not clear since they can very well afford to pay for them...

I have heard about a mental problem stealing small things from shops, normal people including kids. Is it Kleptomania or something else?

Correct. This is kleptomania. stealing is also a mental perversion- a psychological trait. Obviously, such 'thieves' are for ever. .

Not necessarily, at least in some cases some celebrities after being caught take shelter behind this just to save their faces.It has happened with Indian celebrities also some Hollywood stars...once caught and exposed they seem to reform themselves though..

The celebrities are not expected to steal small things like spoons. This is definitely a mental perversion.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Stealing whether it is done for fun or for helping others is still a crime and it cannot be overlooked nor justified...Many celebrities who are well off flick things from departmental stores, small stuff like lipstick,foundation etc..., this is called Kleptomania , why they do it is not clear since they can very well afford to pay for them...

I have heard about a mental problem stealing small things from shops, normal people including kids. Is it Kleptomania or something else?

Correct. This is kleptomania. stealing is also a mental perversion- a psychological trait. Obviously, such 'thieves' are for ever. .

Not necessarily, at least in some cases some celebrities after being caught take shelter behind this just to save their faces.It has happened with Indian celebrities also some Hollywood stars...once caught and exposed they seem to reform themselves though..

The celebrities are not expected to steal small things like spoons. This is definitely a mental perversion.

Yes I am it is, they dont need to do that, since they are earning such huge incomes.Normally the habit of stealing comes with monetary deprivation..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

We should not consider like that we should give a chance to them again.
Its very difficult to believe on thief and give another chance we should always be clever to become in safe side.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Everybody is not so pure in the world. All did mistakes that is only human nature. some may did mistakes by their deeds and some may did in thinking also.

So Time is the better medicine to change everything.
Its better to change yourself instead of changing other because human nature they do opposite of advice.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Everybody is not so pure in the world. All did mistakes that is only human nature. some may did mistakes by their deeds and some may did in thinking also.

So Time is the better medicine to change everything.

Innocent person will always try to change his life. He will think about good and prosperous life. A bad person who has tendency will always think about mischief and do wrong to others and himself. They can never change. Actually they don't want to change instead they will change others staying nearby him. That's how they form a gang and become a gangster.
Of course if a person falls into bad company it may be difficult to expect any positive changes in him/her.It all depends on the circumstances under which they committed their first offence whether it was out of necessity,desperation or just to have fun and excitement.The second category may never change and go on with it..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Everybody is not so pure in the world. All did mistakes that is only human nature. some may did mistakes by their deeds and some may did in thinking also.

So Time is the better medicine to change everything.

Innocent person will always try to change his life. He will think about good and prosperous life. A bad person who has tendency will always think about mischief and do wrong to others and himself. They can never change. Actually they don't want to change instead they will change others staying nearby him. That's how they form a gang and become a gangster.

It depends entirely on what kind of environment is provided to them.If they are forced to be in the company of criminals simply because the society is not ready to accept them, then it is likely that they would become even worse and go back to their old bad ways...However, the society,family and the kind of rehabilitation that is given has a lot to do with how a person with criminal background shapes up..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

In earlier this quote is true now people are getting counselled and they are changing themselves into good person

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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