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Situation can change anything-agood person my be thief and a thief can be a good person.
Yes, Ram anything can change anytime, a Good person can be change into bad and a bad to good. Situations, demands, circumstances, people around us are the main causes which make people to change

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Situation can change anything-agood person my be thief and a thief can be a good person.

That may happen under certain circumstances only.Once a person has developed certain characteristics it is to be expected that he or she may not change that easily unless there is a lot of stress and the circumstances are totally against one , that drives you to steal or take part in some criminal activity...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
Situation can change anything-agood person my be thief and a thief can be a good person.

That may happen under certain circumstances only.Once a person has developed certain characteristics it is to be expected that he or she may not change that easily unless there is a lot of stress and the circumstances are totally against one , that drives you to steal or take part in some criminal activity...

I agree. Nobody changes his character easily. It is easier to covert from saint to thief than from thief to saint. That is why police maintain a list of history sheeters (Dus numbari).

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

The thief cannot be changed for long time. Though he may have more monetary then also he will show his stealing attitude. When he realize himself then only he can change his mind and attitude and become a good citizen

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

If one steals from very beginning and make it its habit then its very difficult to leave that one can believe on those person.but some people are not so after doing any such crime they feel guilt and it can change their habit of not stealing any more.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Is this true? I know of a couple of people who have served prison sentences for petty crimes like stealing money,chicken ,and other stuff that they can lay their hands on.Now they are trying to look for jobs and try to reform themselves but sadly no one seems to give them a second chance.I got one of them to do some garden work and he was feeling miserable because of the way others look at him full of suspicion.
I wonder whether this is the right attitude ? or are other people justified to a certain extent in being suspicious about them and their motives ?

{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 8842]}

First of all my heartfelt congrats for being a good Samaritan.

Once thief need not be a thief always. You can see our parliament
Thank you said by: Sandhya Rani, usha manohar
Absolutely not... It is a bit cruel to blindly accuse a person like that. Once a thief, may not be a thief thereafter... People do change for good; there are good people who turn bad and bad ones that turn good... It's all part of life.. The above statement may be rectified as "Once a thief, always considered a thief." Very few people will be willing to trust a person who once stole... Human nature...
Thank you said by: usha manohar
Absolutely not... It is a bit cruel to blindly accuse a person like that. Once a thief, may not be a thief thereafter... People do change for good; there are good people who turn bad and bad ones that turn good... It's all part of life.. The above statement may be rectified as "Once a thief, always considered a thief." Very few people will be willing to trust a person who once stole... Human nature...

Hi Faheem, welcome to Boddunan :)
If you read the opening post where I started the discussion, you will notice that, those were the sentiments expressed by me as well...all the best !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Thank you said by: Faheem Ebrahim
Absolutely not... It is a bit cruel to blindly accuse a person like that. Once a thief, may not be a thief thereafter... People do change for good; there are good people who turn bad and bad ones that turn good... It's all part of life.. The above statement may be rectified as "Once a thief, always considered a thief." Very few people will be willing to trust a person who once stole... Human nature...

Faheem Ibrahim,

Warm Welcome to Boddunan Family. All the Best!

We cant say blindly 'Once a thief always a thief'. Forgiving is humankind. It depends on mindset of a person. Some person won't do mistake again if he/she realizes.

Born to express, not to impress.
Thank you said by: Faheem Ebrahim
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