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Yes enjoying the condition of that place where you are going is really important..........Because it is a demand of situation.............

When we travel to new place, the curiousness of our self, tells us to enjoy.

Want to make each day Accountable

Travelling is necessary.It changes our mind.We must at least have a tour every year.It helps us to know the culture of different country and state.It helps us to improve our knowledge.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Travelling is necessary.It changes our mind.We must at least have a tour every year.It helps us to know the culture of different country and state.It helps us to improve our knowledge.

Yes, traveling refreshes us. It changes our mood and people should travel to good places within six months or within 1 year.

Want to make each day Accountable

I really love traveling to places very close to nature...forest, streams, greenary etc. Only problem is the lack of time. Yet, we try to go at least once in an year. This October we are planning to visit Delhi and Taj mahal.

Meera sandhu
Travel needs to be planned well in advance and these days it is not easy, since most trains and other modes of travel are perpetually full, booked months in advance.However, it is still worth the effort to spend a few days away from the home atmosphere which can become stifling after a while and come back refreshed ...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Travel needs to be planned well in advance and these days it is not easy, since most trains and other modes of travel are perpetually full, booked months in advance.However, it is still worth the effort to spend a few days away from the home atmosphere which can become stifling after a while and come back refreshed ...

I have once seen in a film...can't remember which one....
A newly married couple......
Wife asks her husband for a honeymoon. Husband says, now our relationship is fresh and lovely and so, we don't need a honeymoon now. When it wear and tear and needs some refreshment to make it more stronger, we can go for a honeymoon.

Years later, when their relationship worsen, they go for a honey moon.
Can anyone tell me which Bollywood movie is it??? :whistle: :whistle: I think it's an old movie of 60's or 70's

Meera sandhu
Yes enjoying the condition of that place where you are going is really important..........Because it is a demand of situation.............

Most of the people take travel enjoyment related but some time business related travel are also enjoyable.

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Yes enjoying the condition of that place where you are going is really important..........Because it is a demand of situation.............

Most of the people take travel enjoyment related but some time business related travel are also enjoyable.

Some have a work load so much that even at travelling, or enjoying good moment, they have to work to complete their work.

Want to make each day Accountable

Also it's a nice idea to see new people, places and culture.

Meera sandhu
This also depends on your pocket's condition and your mental standard whether you are prepared to enjoy it.

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