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Travelling should be done,whenever you get time,to make yourself fresh.When i will start earning,i will make sure i travel once in a year.Have a big trip for 2 to 3 weeks.

Want to make each day Accountable

Yes I know as I have seen most places in that area, I had been to Mangalore long back, I remember I went to Calicut from there now they call it Kozikode. Actually this is all in one straight line from Mangalore to Trivendrum. All along the coast.

Yes thats right ! Mangalore borders the state of Kerala and one can find lot of Malayalees in Mangalore.There is a lot of shared influence on either side and Mangalorean food too has a lot of Kerala influence in it.
BTW, what did you think of Kodavas, they are originally of Greek descent and known for their good looks..

I think I told you earlier also that I like the way they look and behave, I met on SP of police in Coorg a young boy long back, he was such a handsome boy (looked like a Punjabi boy). I think these Kodvas belong to Thakur clan and look like kings and queens. I liked the way they wear their sari. Lovely looking guys. Why did you ask this in particular?

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Yes I know as I have seen most places in that area, I had been to Mangalore long back, I remember I went to Calicut from there now they call it Kozikode. Actually this is all in one straight line from Mangalore to Trivendrum. All along the coast.

Yes thats right ! Mangalore borders the state of Kerala and one can find lot of Malayalees in Mangalore.There is a lot of shared influence on either side and Mangalorean food too has a lot of Kerala influence in it.
BTW, what did you think of Kodavas, they are originally of Greek descent and known for their good looks..

I think I told you earlier also that I like the way they look and behave, I met on SP of police in Coorg a young boy long back, he was such a handsome boy (looked like a Punjabi boy). I think these Kodvas belong to Thakur clan and look like kings and queens. I liked the way they wear their sari. Lovely looking guys. Why did you ask this in particular?

Kodavas have Greek blood in them.They trace their ancestry to Alexander and his army which wandered south and a few of them settled down in Coorg and made it their home marrying the local girls...Do you know that there are very few authentic Kodavas, just 5 main families and all are somehow or the other related to these five families..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Yes it should be a part of my life.I like to travel many places whenever i got time......I like to visit hilly areas...........
For most people who like to travel during holidays, the preferred destinations are either hill stations,beach resorts or religious places...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Yes I know as I have seen most places in that area, I had been to Mangalore long back, I remember I went to Calicut from there now they call it Kozikode. Actually this is all in one straight line from Mangalore to Trivendrum. All along the coast.

Yes thats right ! Mangalore borders the state of Kerala and one can find lot of Malayalees in Mangalore.There is a lot of shared influence on either side and Mangalorean food too has a lot of Kerala influence in it.
BTW, what did you think of Kodavas, they are originally of Greek descent and known for their good looks..

I think I told you earlier also that I like the way they look and behave, I met on SP of police in Coorg a young boy long back, he was such a handsome boy (looked like a Punjabi boy). I think these Kodvas belong to Thakur clan and look like kings and queens. I liked the way they wear their sari. Lovely looking guys. Why did you ask this in particular?

Kodavas have Greek blood in them.They trace their ancestry to Alexander and his army which wandered south and a few of them settled down in Coorg and made it their home marrying the local girls...Do you know that there are very few authentic Kodavas, just 5 main families and all are somehow or the other related to these five families..

Do you belong to one of those five? I won't be surprised if you said 'yes.

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Travel should be part of our life to refresh from this busy life.

Earn money just for joining in this site.

It must refresh your daily route going from this way but after returning from there.this is really bad.........Short travel is best.......
Exploring different places has always been my hobby. Whenever i go outside, i don't leave a chance for exploration.

Want to make each day Accountable

Yes enjoying the condition of that place where you are going is really important..........Because it is a demand of situation.............
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