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11 years ago
It has to change. It is the duty of each one of us to realize that trees play a major role in the livelihood of human beings and other living things.
11 years ago
It has to change. It is the duty of each one of us to realize that trees play a major role in the livelihood of human beings and other living things.
And this habit to respect nature has to be injected in to the children too right from their formative years.
11 years ago
Points to be followed to show our gratitude to our Nature:
* Use less paper - can stop massive cutting down of trees.
* Implementing rain water harvest in every house - avoids water scarcity
* Avoiding plastic bags - can create pollution free environment
* Encouraging children to plant trees - Good for future generation
* Use less paper - can stop massive cutting down of trees.
* Implementing rain water harvest in every house - avoids water scarcity
* Avoiding plastic bags - can create pollution free environment
* Encouraging children to plant trees - Good for future generation
11 years ago
Points to be followed to show our gratitude to our Nature:
* Use less paper - can stop massive cutting down of trees.
* Implementing rain water harvest in every house - avoids water scarcity
* Avoiding plastic bags - can create pollution free environment
* Encouraging children to plant trees - Good for future generation
You have enlisted the most relevant points for the protection of environment.
11 years ago
A nature loving person always show interest in protecting the environment.
11 years ago
A nature loving person always show interest in protecting the environment.
Yes. Because he knows that "Vriksho Rakshatii Rakshitaha." Protect the nature. Nature protects you
11 years ago
I have seen many people who do gardening as their hobby. But i think it is deteriorating as many of them spend their free time watching tv, playing in mobile, browsing in computer etc. Man is now depending more on machines and ignore nature. But poor people don't realise that because of nature only they are still living in this world.
11 years ago
I have seen many people who do gardening as their hobby. But i think it is deteriorating as many of them spend their free time watching tv, playing in mobile, browsing in computer etc. Man is now depending more on machines and ignore nature. But poor people don't realise that because of nature only they are still living in this world.
One can do both. Spending time in watching TV and playing Video games is nothing wrong as long as one gives importance to environment. Where there is will, there is a way.
11 years ago
One who can do both is very well accepted. But many of them do not show interest on gardening, cleaning the surroundings etc. These activities are not necessary to be done daily. They can be done fortnight once or atleast monthly once.
11 years ago
Points to be followed to show our gratitude to our Nature:
* Use less paper - can stop massive cutting down of trees.
* Implementing rain water harvest in every house - avoids water scarcity
* Avoiding plastic bags - can create pollution free environment
* Encouraging children to plant trees - Good for future generation
VEry true..saving water, and avoiding plastic bags is very much doable..if nothing else.
“A mistake is a crash-course in learning” – Billy Anderson
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