11 years ago
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11 years ago
Yes we need to save environment for or coming generation. We should plant two if we cut 1. :)
11 years ago
Yes we need to save environment for or coming generation. We should plant two if we cut 1. :)
Whatever you take from the nature, it should be paid back .
11 years ago
One side there is green trees and on the other side it looks like fire burnt trees effect. Trees gives us fruits,shelter etc.. We are cutting tress for our use but we refuse to plant a tree. Save Nature... Save Nation. Nature is the only source to bring rain and solve water problems. Picture depicts how we changed the nature from green to waste.
11 years ago
One side there is green trees and on the other side it looks like fire burnt trees effect. Trees gives us fruits,shelter etc.. We are cutting tress for our use but we refuse to plant a tree. Save Nature... Save Nation. Nature is the only source to bring rain and solve water problems. Picture depicts how we changed the nature from green to waste.
But increasing population is one of the major reason of deforestation. Its sad that for our shelter we ct trees and make animals homeless. :(
11 years ago
One side there is green trees and on the other side it looks like fire burnt trees effect. Trees gives us fruits,shelter etc.. We are cutting tress for our use but we refuse to plant a tree. Save Nature... Save Nation. Nature is the only source to bring rain and solve water problems. Picture depicts how we changed the nature from green to waste.
I'm afraid, you mistook the shades in the painting as Burnt trees. It's a painting, the light and shade effects are to be taken care.
11 years ago
One side there is green trees and on the other side it looks like fire burnt trees effect. Trees gives us fruits,shelter etc.. We are cutting tress for our use but we refuse to plant a tree. Save Nature... Save Nation. Nature is the only source to bring rain and solve water problems. Picture depicts how we changed the nature from green to waste.
But increasing population is one of the major reason of deforestation. Its sad that for our shelter we ct trees and make animals homeless. :(
You can see some houses in Kerala are built without cutting the trees. They make a hole in the wall for the coconut trees to grow. Kerala is ever remember as "Gods own country" because of the nature resources. We can built houses without disturbing the trees. We should make a proper plan.
11 years ago
One side there is green trees and on the other side it looks like fire burnt trees effect. Trees gives us fruits,shelter etc.. We are cutting tress for our use but we refuse to plant a tree. Save Nature... Save Nation. Nature is the only source to bring rain and solve water problems. Picture depicts how we changed the nature from green to waste.
But increasing population is one of the major reason of deforestation. Its sad that for our shelter we ct trees and make animals homeless. :(
You can see some houses in Kerala are built without cutting the trees. They make a hole in the wall for the coconut trees to grow. Kerala is ever remember as "Gods own country" because of the nature resources. We can built houses without disturbing the trees. We should make a proper plan.
I have never been to Kerala but have heard from many people about the people love for trees there. I don't like Delhi as multiplexes here have left no place for trees.Being a nature lover and don't like this place.
11 years ago
One side there is green trees and on the other side it looks like fire burnt trees effect. Trees gives us fruits,shelter etc.. We are cutting tress for our use but we refuse to plant a tree. Save Nature... Save Nation. Nature is the only source to bring rain and solve water problems. Picture depicts how we changed the nature from green to waste.
But increasing population is one of the major reason of deforestation. Its sad that for our shelter we ct trees and make animals homeless. :(
You can see some houses in Kerala are built without cutting the trees. They make a hole in the wall for the coconut trees to grow. Kerala is ever remember as "Gods own country" because of the nature resources. We can built houses without disturbing the trees. We should make a proper plan.
I have never been to Kerala but have heard from many people about the people love for trees there. I don't like Delhi as multiplexes here have left no place for trees.Being a nature lover and don't like this place.
It's not only Delhi, all most all the metropolises, cities have become Concrete jungles due to deforestation.
11 years ago
There is nothing as stunning and generous as nature...I am shocked to see some people destroy nature without a second thoight, just to make some personal gains...How can one think of doing that to something that is so pure and pristine, it is cold blooded murder !
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
11 years ago
There is nothing as stunning and generous as nature...I am shocked to see some people destroy nature without a second thoight, just to make some personal gains...How can one think of doing that to something that is so pure and pristine, it is cold blooded murder !
Much more than cold blooded murder. Experts say trees too have life.
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