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11 years ago
Yes. I do agree with you Ram babu ji, But in some places they are throwing the dirt in the places which are empty instead of dumping yards. i have seen such in many places.
I live in Vizag, a metropolis. Here the corporation if Vizag takes all the care from collection of garbage to dumping in the dumping yards far from the city.
11 years ago
Every common man should take the responsibility to not to throw dirt in an empty space. Eventhough government may take many initiatives, it is in the hands of each one of us to keep our surroundings clean.
11 years ago
Every common man should take the responsibility to not to throw dirt in an empty space. Eventhough government may take many initiatives, it is in the hands of each one of us to keep our surroundings clean.
Here in my place, garbage cans are provided on the roads as well as in the remote streets. The garbage is supposed to be thrown in the cans. But you will see garbage everywhere except in the garbage cans. It's lack of civic sense.
11 years ago
Its lack of responsibility of an individual. But the same people will react if some one throws dirt in front of their home. Everyone wants their places to be neat and clean & dont bother about anything else.
11 years ago
Its lack of responsibility of an individual. But the same people will react if some one throws dirt in front of their home. Everyone wants their places to be neat and clean & dont bother about anything else.
Yes. People do not hesitate to throw away their dust in to the neghbor's premises in order to keep their home neat and tidy.
11 years ago
Its lack of responsibility of an individual. But the same people will react if some one throws dirt in front of their home. Everyone wants their places to be neat and clean & dont bother about anything else.
Yes. People do not hesitate to throw away their dust in to the neghbor's premises in order to keep their home neat and tidy.
This is funny isn't it..the word neighbourhood means...even your house is part of that place..so only fools will want to keep their house and premises clean and throw dirt in their neighbourhood.
“A mistake is a crash-course in learning” – Billy Anderson
11 years ago
Its lack of responsibility of an individual. But the same people will react if some one throws dirt in front of their home. Everyone wants their places to be neat and clean & dont bother about anything else.
Yes. People do not hesitate to throw away their dust in to the neghbor's premises in order to keep their home neat and tidy.
This is funny isn't it..the word neighbourhood means...even your house is part of that place..so only fools will want to keep their house and premises clean and throw dirt in their neighbourhood.
It sounds strange. but its true. and due to this everyday there will be fights between the neighbors.
11 years ago
Its lack of responsibility of an individual. But the same people will react if some one throws dirt in front of their home. Everyone wants their places to be neat and clean & dont bother about anything else.
Yes. People do not hesitate to throw away their dust in to the neghbor's premises in order to keep their home neat and tidy.
This is funny isn't it..the word neighbourhood means...even your house is part of that place..so only fools will want to keep their house and premises clean and throw dirt in their neighbourhood.
It sounds strange. but its true. and due to this everyday there will be fights between the neighbors.
Though we see any tom, dick, harry using a cell phone,,but with the use of a modern gadget doesn't ensure modernity in the way people think. With people becoming modern in their use of day-to-day gadgets, clothes, education,,,why are people also not upgrading their thought processes? Keeping our house is our duty..and the same duty is applicable for our neighbourhood.
“A mistake is a crash-course in learning” – Billy Anderson
11 years ago
Its lack of responsibility of an individual. But the same people will react if some one throws dirt in front of their home. Everyone wants their places to be neat and clean & dont bother about anything else.
Yes. People do not hesitate to throw away their dust in to the neghbor's premises in order to keep their home neat and tidy.
This is funny isn't it..the word neighbourhood means...even your house is part of that place..so only fools will want to keep their house and premises clean and throw dirt in their neighbourhood.
It sounds strange. but its true. and due to this everyday there will be fights between the neighbors.
Though we see any tom, dick, harry using a cell phone,,but with the use of a modern gadget doesn't ensure modernity in the way people think. With people becoming modern in their use of day-to-day gadgets, clothes, education,,,why are people also not upgrading their thought processes? Keeping our house is our duty..and the same duty is applicable for our neighbourhood.
Modernity doesn't come with self proclamations. It should be visible in thoughts and actions.
11 years ago
Its lack of responsibility of an individual. But the same people will react if some one throws dirt in front of their home. Everyone wants their places to be neat and clean & dont bother about anything else.
Yes. People do not hesitate to throw away their dust in to the neghbor's premises in order to keep their home neat and tidy.
This is funny isn't it..the word neighbourhood means...even your house is part of that place..so only fools will want to keep their house and premises clean and throw dirt in their neighbourhood.
It sounds strange. but its true. and due to this everyday there will be fights between the neighbors.
Though we see any tom, dick, harry using a cell phone,,but with the use of a modern gadget doesn't ensure modernity in the way people think. With people becoming modern in their use of day-to-day gadgets, clothes, education,,,why are people also not upgrading their thought processes? Keeping our house is our duty..and the same duty is applicable for our neighbourhood.
Modernity doesn't come with self proclamations. It should be visible in thoughts and actions.
First, people mentality should change. Wherever they find an open place they are dumping the waste in that area. You can also see in railway stations people are throwing the water bottles in the tracks instead of putting it in dust bin.
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