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11 years ago
The parents should insist their children to keep their surroundings clean. It is the duty of every human being to save our environment.
11 years ago
It’s essential to be friendly with nature. Love it. Save it.
{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 11116]}
Water color painting : Rambabu
Save nature, save human existence!
“A mistake is a crash-course in learning” – Billy Anderson
11 years ago
Nature is beautiful and we all need to save it. We all need to plant at least one tree in our life. In my garden, I plant 6 mango tree.
11 years ago
It’s essential to be friendly with nature. Love it. Save it.
{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 11116]}
Water color painting : Rambabu
Save nature, save human existence!
Tree is the one of the most important components of the nature that dictates the health of the planet Earth. Plant a tree for your own good.
11 years ago
Enjoy the nature and if possible plant a tree. Live and let live. It is a easy work demolish but construction takes time. Do not spoil the nature gift. It is the only source giving good oxygen for us to breath.
11 years ago
Enjoy the nature and if possible plant a tree. Live and let live. It is a easy work demolish but construction takes time. Do not spoil the nature gift. It is the only source giving good oxygen for us to breath.
How can you enjoy the nature, if you are abusing and demolishing its sanctity?
11 years ago
There is nothing as stunning and generous as nature...I am shocked to see some people destroy nature without a second thoight, just to make some personal gains...How can one think of doing that to something that is so pure and pristine, it is cold blooded murder !
Much more than cold blooded murder. Experts say trees too have life.
Its not only the experts said it we all know that trees have life but still we don't care for them to kill them for our greed. :evil:
11 years ago
There is nothing as stunning and generous as nature...I am shocked to see some people destroy nature without a second thoight, just to make some personal gains...How can one think of doing that to something that is so pure and pristine, it is cold blooded murder !
Much more than cold blooded murder. Experts say trees too have life.
Its not only the experts said it we all know that trees have life but still we don't care for them to kill them for our greed. :evil:
Knowingly committing a mistake and abuse the nature will lead to disasters of immense magnitude. And on one side, we are experiencing the natural calamities. But we are not learning from the mistakes. Who's the loser?
11 years ago
There is nothing as stunning and generous as nature...I am shocked to see some people destroy nature without a second thoight, just to make some personal gains...How can one think of doing that to something that is so pure and pristine, it is cold blooded murder !
Much more than cold blooded murder. Experts say trees too have life.
Its not only the experts said it we all know that trees have life but still we don't care for them to kill them for our greed. :evil:
Knowingly committing a mistake and abuse the nature will lead to disasters of immense magnitude. And on one side, we are experiencing the natural calamities. But we are not learning from the mistakes. Who's the loser?
That's true we are not learning from the calamities its all due to because we try to change the nature as per our need which is not possible and in that process we have calamities like we had in Uttrakhand where we lost lots of lives. :evil:
11 years ago
There is nothing as stunning and generous as nature...I am shocked to see some people destroy nature without a second thoight, just to make some personal gains...How can one think of doing that to something that is so pure and pristine, it is cold blooded murder !
Much more than cold blooded murder. Experts say trees too have life.
Its not only the experts said it we all know that trees have life but still we don't care for them to kill them for our greed. :evil:
Knowingly committing a mistake and abuse the nature will lead to disasters of immense magnitude. And on one side, we are experiencing the natural calamities. But we are not learning from the mistakes. Who's the loser?
That's true we are not learning from the calamities its all due to because we try to change the nature as per our need which is not possible and in that process we have calamities like we had in Uttrakhand where we lost lots of lives. :evil:
All natural disasters are man made. We are digging our own graves by ravaging the nature.
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