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11 years ago
Yes sir. There is a saying that "Agriculture is the backbone of our country". But nowadays , what is happening?. All fields are becoming buildings. I am afraid that our future generation will get food, or not. Because people still dont have concern about the nature and constructing building every where without any space. Due to this, Water scarcity becomes a major issue today and we are getting water by spending more money. Whatever resources we got as natural like water becomes money. But things dont need are available at a cheaper price like pizza, other fast food items, etc., This is a disaster we are facing today. Still we didnt awake means, no one can help us.
11 years ago
Yes sir. There is a saying that "Agriculture is the backbone of our country". But nowadays , what is happening?. All fields are becoming buildings. I am afraid that our future generation will get food, or not. Because people still dont have concern about the nature and constructing building every where without any space. Due to this, Water scarcity becomes a major issue today and we are getting water by spending more money. Whatever resources we got as natural like water becomes money. But things dont need are available at a cheaper price like pizza, other fast food items, etc., This is a disaster we are facing today. Still we didnt awake means, no one can help us.
True. By abusing the nature, man is digging his own grave. He is drilling a hole in his own platter.
11 years ago
What is happening now in Jammu and Kashmir is the direct result of urbanisation without any forethought...water drains get clogged when buildings are built and the result is flodding. If we continue to be reckless while planning our cities I am sure there will be calamity in the near future. Wonder when people realise that they have to live in harmony with nature without disrupting the eco balance ..
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
11 years ago
What is happening now in Jammu and Kashmir is the direct result of urbanisation without any forethought...water drains get clogged when buildings are built and the result is flodding. If we continue to be reckless while planning our cities I am sure there will be calamity in the near future. Wonder when people realise that they have to live in harmony with nature without disrupting the eco balance ..
Even in Himachal Pradesh , nature unleashed its fury, because of thoughtless planning and cities were built on the slopes of hills to boost tourism.in this process nature was abused in all possible ways. They say an injured nature wreaks vengeance. And now even in metropolises devastating floods have become a regular feature.
11 years ago
Yes sir absolutely. Since buildings are without prior planning there is no room for water to go. Since we are like this, nature lose its patience and started showing its other side. Its showing we are nothing in front of mother nature.
11 years ago
Yes sir absolutely. Since buildings are without prior planning there is no room for water to go. Since we are like this, nature lose its patience and started showing its other side. Its showing we are nothing in front of mother nature.
We are taking the nature for granted. Man prides himself and thinks himself as the epitome of knowledge and overlooks the nature which gave him all he wanted. Nature bears all the tortures perpetrated on it by the greedy human. Once it loses it's patience, it unleashes its fury. It took only 2 minutes to weep off the man's pride through Tsunami. What are we before the mighty nature? Not even a small spec.
11 years ago
Trees gives us good air and some pleasant moods. You can see people are enjoying the nature in hill stations. Day by Day.Artificial items are increases and natural sources are decreases.
11 years ago
Trees gives us good air and some pleasant moods. You can see people are enjoying the nature in hill stations. Day by Day.Artificial items are increases and natural sources are decreases.
And those very trees which help us are being demolished by the ungrateful man. What a disgrace!!'
11 years ago
Yes sir. Forests are being destroyed. Animals are not getting enough water so they started coming towards our places. If we people destroyed its livelihood and now its turn for the animals. Also we are not getting rain in one area and too much of rain in other part. This shows that we are going towards destruction of mankind.
11 years ago
Yes sir. Forests are being destroyed. Animals are not getting enough water so they started coming towards our places. If we people destroyed its livelihood and now its turn for the animals. Also we are not getting rain in one area and too much of rain in other part. This shows that we are going towards destruction of mankind.
That's what the animals do when their habitats are destroyed . Shortage of rains and untimely rains are the direct results of deforestation.
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