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11 years ago
One who can do both is very well accepted. But many of them do not show interest on gardening, cleaning the surroundings etc. These activities are not necessary to be done daily. They can be done fortnight once or atleast monthly once.
Of course such people are rarely found who can do indulge in both nature loving and playing video games.
11 years ago
But glad to see that many kindergarten schools have taken initiative to teach kids about importance of planting. They involve each and every kid in this activity of growing plants in pots. Name of the kids are pasted on the pot. Kids become more interested by doing this activity.
11 years ago
But glad to see that many kindergarten schools have taken initiative to teach kids about importance of planting. They involve each and every kid in this activity of growing plants in pots. Name of the kids are pasted on the pot. Kids become more interested by doing this activity.
This is indeed a welcome initiative taken up by schools..whatever is taught at a tender age remains for life.
“A mistake is a crash-course in learning” – Billy Anderson
11 years ago
But glad to see that many kindergarten schools have taken initiative to teach kids about importance of planting. They involve each and every kid in this activity of growing plants in pots. Name of the kids are pasted on the pot. Kids become more interested by doing this activity.
This is indeed a welcome initiative taken up by schools..whatever is taught at a tender age remains for life.
Yes. Right from the tender age, a child has to be injected the importance of environment. If these activities are taught in some schools those schools are praiseworthy .
11 years ago
But glad to see that many kindergarten schools have taken initiative to teach kids about importance of planting. They involve each and every kid in this activity of growing plants in pots. Name of the kids are pasted on the pot. Kids become more interested by doing this activity.
This is indeed a welcome initiative taken up by schools..whatever is taught at a tender age remains for life.
Absolutely. Also many self organisations have come front in planting trees on roadside, cleaning of plastic bags in beaches etc.
11 years ago
Many NGOs and Environmentalists are doing yeomen service to spread the awareness about environment in the masses..
11 years ago
But glad to see that many kindergarten schools have taken initiative to teach kids about importance of planting. They involve each and every kid in this activity of growing plants in pots. Name of the kids are pasted on the pot. Kids become more interested by doing this activity.
This is indeed a welcome initiative taken up by schools..whatever is taught at a tender age remains for life.
Absolutely. Also many self organisations have come front in planting trees on roadside, cleaning of plastic bags in beaches etc.
As far as keeping any city clean..the onus also lies on the residents..keeping a garbage bag to carry waste items even while driving/riding and refraining from throwing it anywhere can be done. This way all of us can contribute to the cleaning of the respective cities we live in.
“A mistake is a crash-course in learning” – Billy Anderson
11 years ago
Rightly said. Nature gives 100% everything for us to live in this world. But we should at least reciprocate 10% of our gratitude to nature and environment.
11 years ago
Rightly said. Nature gives 100% everything for us to live in this world. But we should at least reciprocate 10% of our gratitude to nature and environment.
There is a saying, what you took from the nature must be paid back .this explains all.
11 years ago
We should love the nature and plant the trees which are not draining the water sources.
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