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Down south growing coconut trees is considered to be normal and mandatory in every household and these can be very dangerous when they are grown by the side of the road and coconus if and when not plucked on time can fall on passers .This has hapened so many times in my neighborhood and in my own house we had to cut two trees because finding coconut pluckers has become a very difficult task now...

Here is my own example. Just by the boundary wall separating the neighboring flat and mine two coconut trees were planted. Now both the coconut trees spread its roots deep in to the wall and its surroundings breaking the boundary wall. Now there is a tussle between the two flats on who is going to build the wall.

We had a similar problem a few years ago with a massive jackfruit tree which was in our compound close to the border but was claimed to be theirs by our neighbors because of the value it has. Anyway their case was dismissed and we cut the tree and built a wall...either way trees too can cause too many complications when they are planted without forethought !

In matter of planting trees it is generally afterthoughts which occur after many years. I have a very tall tree in my compound which looks majestic from far but generates lot of leaves etc on the ground. My mali is forever complaining but I am not able to bring myself round to get it cut. I agree with you that we must plant trees with a peep into their future growth.

No doubt it is good to have trees and plants around us since it changes the whole look of your house and surroundings...I too hate cutting even a single branch of the trees in my house unless it is absolutely essential ! Most of the trees have been planted by the previous owners and are now full grown giving us shade and an abundance of fruits...During summer months one can immediately make out the difference in temperature when you come from outside. My garden and house remains cool because of the trees surrounding it...I am all for growing trees but it shd not come in the way of other people's freedom !

Here is a funny incident. My neighbor's mango tree's branches are almost in the periphery of my flat. He comes regularly to collect his mangoes because the trunk is in side his flat. But he never comes to clean the foliage.

This happens all the time, you pluk the fruits from the branch that is in your compound and the person will have a fit :cheer: ...If it is a nusance, you have the right to ask him to cut it since legally he has to maintain the trees wthin his compound.

As the secretary of the Apartment committee I warned the Mango Man. Either you cut the tree or clean the foliage all along the year.
In one tomato kethup website elaborately written how to take care tomatoes plantation.

In one tomato kethup website elaborately written how to take care tomatoes plantation.

Will you please give the link of the website, so that others also can gain knowledge?
Nice and quite strange to know the negative effects of tree plantation !
It is here after registration, there is clear description about how to grow tomatoes in house, clean and nice description there.

Thank you said by: usha manohar
It is here after registration, there is clear description about how to grow tomatoes in house, clean and nice description there.

Thanks for the link, it looks interesting. Actually growing tomatoes at home is quite easy but many people are lost at the basic level of gardening, so this should help them a lot!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Thank you said by: mohan manohar
Indiscriminate planting seems to be the order of the day in India since we get to read and see so many trees being cut every year by the authorities for widening the road or some other purpose. One wonders whether they have no forethought or whether they think enough about trying to save the trees by finding an alternative solution? It is obvious they dont give any thought while mercilessly chopping down full grown trees !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Indiscriminate planting seems to be the order of the day in India since we get to read and see so many trees being cut every year by the authorities for widening the road or some other purpose. One wonders whether they have no forethought or whether they think enough about trying to save the trees by finding an alternative solution? It is obvious they dont give any thought while mercilessly chopping down full grown trees !

They say, what's taken from the nature should be given back. This never happens especially when a new industry comes up. Lot of tree felling is seen. But no re plantation.
Indiscriminate planting seems to be the order of the day in India since we get to read and see so many trees being cut every year by the authorities for widening the road or some other purpose. One wonders whether they have no forethought or whether they think enough about trying to save the trees by finding an alternative solution? It is obvious they dont give any thought while mercilessly chopping down full grown trees !

When we think about this type of indiscriminate cutting of trees, the people who do it have absolutely no thoughts about its repercussions. In Maharashtra in several cities, there are major construction of roads, highways taking place for which literally hundreds of thousands of trees are being cut down. Only in a few places, efforts were taken to transplant those trees to other suitable places but those efforts were too halfhearted and most trees died anyway! And Mr. Pawar senior was talking yesterday about creating 26 more exclusive hill cities for the stinking rich, which will destroy further more equal number of trees and displace the same number of farmers! :sick:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Indiscriminate planting seems to be the order of the day in India since we get to read and see so many trees being cut every year by the authorities for widening the road or some other purpose. One wonders whether they have no forethought or whether they think enough about trying to save the trees by finding an alternative solution? It is obvious they dont give any thought while mercilessly chopping down full grown trees !

When we think about this type of indiscriminate cutting of trees, the people who do it have absolutely no thoughts about its repercussions. In Maharashtra in several cities, there are major construction of roads, highways taking place for which literally hundreds of thousands of trees are being cut down. Only in a few places, efforts were taken to transplant those trees to other suitable places but those efforts were too halfhearted and most trees died anyway! And Mr. Pawar senior was talking yesterday about creating 26 more exclusive hill cities for the stinking rich, which will destroy further more equal number of trees and displace the same number of farmers! :sick:

The story is same everywhere. Someone was telling me that in Srinagar (J&K), lot many concentrated tree areas are today bereft of trees. it looks like a city of the plains. But nature will force coming generations to again afforest in a big way.
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