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For every tree there are some ideal conditions for its growth depending upon the space, soil and geographical conditions. These essential aspects are to be taken in to consideration before planting a sapling. The ideal thing would be to consult a nursery or some voluntary organizations which advise you about all necessary information not only for healthy growth of the plant but also the risks involved.
Down south growing coconut trees is considered to be normal and mandatory in every household and these can be very dangerous when they are grown by the side of the road and coconus if and when not plucked on time can fall on passers .This has hapened so many times in my neighborhood and in my own house we had to cut two trees because finding coconut pluckers has become a very difficult task now...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Down south growing coconut trees is considered to be normal and mandatory in every household and these can be very dangerous when they are grown by the side of the road and coconus if and when not plucked on time can fall on passers .This has hapened so many times in my neighborhood and in my own house we had to cut two trees because finding coconut pluckers has become a very difficult task now...

Here is my own example. Just by the boundary wall separating the neighboring flat and mine two coconut trees were planted. Now both the coconut trees spread its roots deep in to the wall and its surroundings breaking the boundary wall. Now there is a tussle between the two flats on who is going to build the wall.
In northern odisha there is trend about creating a big garden in front of house.

The practice of creating a garden in front of the house is prevalent almost everywhere .
If one gets to travel in rural India especially in UP/Bihar one can see native trees of very wide girth and a large foliage covering really large circular area. They look massive and ancient. In cities because of congestion straight growing trees like pendula are grown.
If one gets to travel in rural India especially in UP/Bihar one can see native trees of very wide girth and a large foliage covering really large circular area. They look massive and ancient. In cities because of congestion straight growing trees like pendula are grown.

Fortunately in Southern India the trees which are quite old were kept untouched. In Bangalore which is aptly named as the city of Gardens the Authorities took lot of care to keep the Trees in their original beauty.
Planting of trees not only deflect sun shine and imparts coolness but also brings back smile to earth due to preservation of ecological balance.

There is a system and method for planting of trees to reap the fruits of plantation. The thread enlists a series of DOs and DONTS for plantation. Unless they are followed, there is no use of mere plantation.
Down south growing coconut trees is considered to be normal and mandatory in every household and these can be very dangerous when they are grown by the side of the road and coconus if and when not plucked on time can fall on passers .This has hapened so many times in my neighborhood and in my own house we had to cut two trees because finding coconut pluckers has become a very difficult task now...

Here is my own example. Just by the boundary wall separating the neighboring flat and mine two coconut trees were planted. Now both the coconut trees spread its roots deep in to the wall and its surroundings breaking the boundary wall. Now there is a tussle between the two flats on who is going to build the wall.

We had a similar problem a few years ago with a massive jackfruit tree which was in our compound close to the border but was claimed to be theirs by our neighbors because of the value it has. Anyway their case was dismissed and we cut the tree and built a wall...either way trees too can cause too many complications when they are planted without forethought !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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