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Indiscriminate planting seems to be the order of the day in India since we get to read and see so many trees being cut every year by the authorities for widening the road or some other purpose. One wonders whether they have no forethought or whether they think enough about trying to save the trees by finding an alternative solution? It is obvious they dont give any thought while mercilessly chopping down full grown trees !

When we think about this type of indiscriminate cutting of trees, the people who do it have absolutely no thoughts about its repercussions. In Maharashtra in several cities, there are major construction of roads, highways taking place for which literally hundreds of thousands of trees are being cut down. Only in a few places, efforts were taken to transplant those trees to other suitable places but those efforts were too halfhearted and most trees died anyway! And Mr. Pawar senior was talking yesterday about creating 26 more exclusive hill cities for the stinking rich, which will destroy further more equal number of trees and displace the same number of farmers! :sick:

The story is same everywhere. Someone was telling me that in Srinagar (J&K), lot many concentrated tree areas are today bereft of trees. it looks like a city of the plains. But nature will force coming generations to again afforest in a big way.

Nature is not only forcing but warning in different forms like Storms and Tsunamis. Who is paying heed to those warnings?
Now with a craze for resorts and holiday homes , Western Ghat is being ripped off esp at Sakleshpur and Kudremukh which is so beautiful , with drizzle all round the year keeping the entire place cool and green and the many waterfalls runnig all round the year! But not any more since I see large patches being cleared in the midst of the valleys for these resorts, honestly it is so frustrating to see this happening and who else to blame but the Karnataka governemnt, most of the time we have had Congress ruling here and ...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Now with a craze for resorts and holiday homes , Western Ghat is being ripped off esp at Sakleshpur and Kudremukh which is so beautiful , with drizzle all round the year keeping the entire place cool and green and the many waterfalls runnig all round the year! But not any more since I see large patches being cleared in the midst of the valleys for these resorts, honestly it is so frustrating to see this happening and who else to blame but the Karnataka governemnt, most of the time we have had Congress ruling here and ...

Purely on a humourous note you may like shifting to a BJP ruled state till Karnataka votes back BJP. Pl understand BJP and COngress are two sides of the same coin.
Now with a craze for resorts and holiday homes , Western Ghat is being ripped off esp at Sakleshpur and Kudremukh which is so beautiful , with drizzle all round the year keeping the entire place cool and green and the many waterfalls runnig all round the year! But not any more since I see large patches being cleared in the midst of the valleys for these resorts, honestly it is so frustrating to see this happening and who else to blame but the Karnataka governemnt, most of the time we have had Congress ruling here and ...

Absolutely. Environment abuse is going on under the very nose of the governments which look the other way..
I think plantation is nice, ans it saves environment, due to modernization and rise of middle classes more and more people are travelling and that is main cause of creation of many resorts.

Afforestation cures all the ailments caused by Industrial emissions.
people should never think negatively about planting a tree.

Those who think negatively about plantation are destined to face the wrath of environment in the form of Storms and Tsunamis. We have already facing the wrath of environment which we injured.
i still remember during standard seven at DPS, one of new teacher taught class about fruit fulness of tree as saying us consider tree as Lord and worship it and that imprints in mind till to date. I was watching some day back when one of program with Discovery channel shows how there is life with tree.

Hinduism holds "TREES" in very high esteem. They are considered as sacred. And it says, " Vriksho Rakhshati, Rakshitaha.". Save the tree and be saved.
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