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I'm getting all the news pertaining to my region and even from remote parts of my region from electronic media. Yesteryear CNN has highlighted the GAIL pipeline gas leakage that happened in the most remote part of AP
You get even the most minor news from villages on the net....Our local paers may not have all the news but I find it on the net. So there is no dearth of news nowadays !
Everybody esp our politicians make a big noise about trees and preserving nature but do precious little, in this regard I salute the Indian army for maintaining the green cover around all their properties and in Bangalore there is a constant tussle between them and the state government which eyes their lush properties to widen the roads. earlier there was a scam when army land was raken over by the then state government with Moily as the CM but the land was later used for a commercial complex where a lt of money was made by everyone . after which the army is very careful and I am all for it...there is enough land with the government lying vacant meant for developmental purposes so there is no need for them to grab army land :angry:

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

:ocal News papers which have wider circulation devote pages for other states' news as well as international news. For example "Eenadu" is a widely circulated Telugu news paper, not only in AP but also in the neighboring Karnataka also. It covers widely news from All states.
Now coming to the point. My place is the head quarters of Eastern Naval command. I often visit the Head quarters of ENC. That is a vast expanse of Lush greenery. Its a feast to the eye. I can understand what amount of labour must have gone to make such a Green place that makes all green with envy.
:ocal News papers which have wider circulation devote pages for other states' news as well as international news. For example "Eenadu" is a widely circulated Telugu news paper, not only in AP but also in the neighboring Karnataka also. It covers widely news from All states.
Now coming to the point. My place is the head quarters of Eastern Naval command. I often visit the Head quarters of ENC. That is a vast expanse of Lush greenery. Its a feast to the eye. I can understand what amount of labour must have gone to make such a Green place that makes all green with envy.

It is reported that in J&K state during peak days of terrorism, advantage was allegedly taken by many forest contractors and large areas of mountain slopes lush with tall trees were cleared and converted into barren slopes. As cities expand adjacent farmlands and wastelands with large and full bloom old trees are cut down for making buildings for stay and commerce. hardly any trees are grown in the developed areas and forest cover goes on reducing.
:ocal News papers which have wider circulation devote pages for other states' news as well as international news. For example "Eenadu" is a widely circulated Telugu news paper, not only in AP but also in the neighboring Karnataka also. It covers widely news from All states.
Now coming to the point. My place is the head quarters of Eastern Naval command. I often visit the Head quarters of ENC. That is a vast expanse of Lush greenery. Its a feast to the eye. I can understand what amount of labour must have gone to make such a Green place that makes all green with envy.

It is reported that in J&K state during peak days of terrorism, advantage was allegedly taken by many forest contractors and large areas of mountain slopes lush with tall trees were cleared and converted into barren slopes. As cities expand adjacent farmlands and wastelands with large and full bloom old trees are cut down for making buildings for stay and commerce. hardly any trees are grown in the developed areas and forest cover goes on reducing.

Unless we learn the meaning of the adage, " give back, what's taken from the nature" ,the situation goes on like this. Once we used to see townships amidst greenery. Now we see patches of greenery amidst the concrete jungles.
In last 20 yrs my native place normal temp gone from 29 to 32 in hot summer plus add six to eight virtual temperature due to humidity. it is due to large scale cutting of trees near sea zones. :ohmy: :ohmy:

The present delayed monsoon is a shining example of environmental abuse created due to absence of Afforestation .
In last 20 yrs my native place normal temp gone from 29 to 32 in hot summer plus add six to eight virtual temperature due to humidity. it is due to large scale cutting of trees near sea zones. :ohmy: :ohmy:

Everyone knows and agrees that deforestation is harmful but it still goes on. Can not it be stopped.
In last 20 yrs my native place normal temp gone from 29 to 32 in hot summer plus add six to eight virtual temperature due to humidity. it is due to large scale cutting of trees near sea zones. :ohmy: :ohmy:

Everyone knows and agrees that deforestation is harmful but it still goes on. Can not it be stopped.

Yes it cannot be stopped. Dooms day also cannot be stopped.
In last 20 yrs my native place normal temp gone from 29 to 32 in hot summer plus add six to eight virtual temperature due to humidity. it is due to large scale cutting of trees near sea zones. :ohmy: :ohmy:

Everyone knows and agrees that deforestation is harmful but it still goes on. Can not it be stopped.

Yes it cannot be stopped. Dooms day also cannot be stopped.

If there is a will there is a way and if more developed western countries are able to do it , we too certainly can try. But here even tring is a big IF....This is because of lack civic and environmental awareness among the masses. We have people who go and pluck flowers and destroy plants from public parks, so what can we expect from such people ? Some of these are educated and not illiterate and thats the tragedy !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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