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Now with a craze for resorts and holiday homes , Western Ghat is being ripped off esp at Sakleshpur and Kudremukh which is so beautiful , with drizzle all round the year keeping the entire place cool and green and the many waterfalls runnig all round the year! But not any more since I see large patches being cleared in the midst of the valleys for these resorts, honestly it is so frustrating to see this happening and who else to blame but the Karnataka governemnt, most of the time we have had Congress ruling here and ...

Purely on a humourous note you may like shifting to a BJP ruled state till Karnataka votes back BJP. Pl understand BJP and COngress are two sides of the same coin.

LOL, why I mentioned Congress was because it is two of their ministers who are responsible for destroying thee foest cover in the name of development.Kudremukh iron ore drilling was stopped after years of fight by the enviornmentalists against this particular minister who is very closse to the gandhi family ..Now he has started his new project with other bigwigs at Western Ghats and that too openly , which goes to show that Congress government has no concern for environmental issues ...So one hopes that BJP learns from these lessons and gives a better performance if and when it comes into power here !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Thank you said by: rambabu, Kalyani Nandurkar
Now with a craze for resorts and holiday homes , Western Ghat is being ripped off esp at Sakleshpur and Kudremukh which is so beautiful , with drizzle all round the year keeping the entire place cool and green and the many waterfalls runnig all round the year! But not any more since I see large patches being cleared in the midst of the valleys for these resorts, honestly it is so frustrating to see this happening and who else to blame but the Karnataka governemnt, most of the time we have had Congress ruling here and ...

Purely on a humourous note you may like shifting to a BJP ruled state till Karnataka votes back BJP. Pl understand BJP and COngress are two sides of the same coin.

LOL, why I mentioned Congress was because it is two of their ministers who are responsible for destroying thee foest cover in the name of development.Kudremukh iron ore drilling was stopped after years of fight by the enviornmentalists against this particular minister who is very closse to the gandhi family ..Now he has started his new project with other bigwigs at Western Ghats and that too openly , which goes to show that Congress government has no concern for environmental issues ...So one hopes that BJP learns from these lessons and gives a better performance if and when it comes into power here !

The humorous note of the member helped in extracting some more deeds of anti environmental activities by the previous governments.. I must thank him.
Thank you said by: usha manohar
Indiscriminate planting seems to be the order of the day in India since we get to read and see so many trees being cut every year by the authorities for widening the road or some other purpose. One wonders whether they have no forethought or whether they think enough about trying to save the trees by finding an alternative solution? It is obvious they dont give any thought while mercilessly chopping down full grown trees !

When we think about this type of indiscriminate cutting of trees, the people who do it have absolutely no thoughts about its repercussions. In Maharashtra in several cities, there are major construction of roads, highways taking place for which literally hundreds of thousands of trees are being cut down. Only in a few places, efforts were taken to transplant those trees to other suitable places but those efforts were too halfhearted and most trees died anyway! And Mr. Pawar senior was talking yesterday about creating 26 more exclusive hill cities for the stinking rich, which will destroy further more equal number of trees and displace the same number of farmers! :sick:

The story is same everywhere. Someone was telling me that in Srinagar (J&K), lot many concentrated tree areas are today bereft of trees. it looks like a city of the plains. But nature will force coming generations to again afforest in a big way.

Nature has already started sending us warnings, big time, but we are still not taking them seriously!! :blink: :blink:

About the humorous note you mentioned elsewhere, I do not want to start a political debate here, but it remains a fact that maximum destruction of natural resources and deforestation has taken place within the last few decades all of which was during the reign of congress party. While we were under British rule, they too cut down large number of trees for their own benefit but at the same time, they took care to replace those many numbers , which our people never did and are still not doing!So where trees are concerned, I blame everyone, congress, BJP, Communists, leftists,. Marxists and all other parties, and my father, my mother and all of their generation who is now in 60s! They never did much to avoid such large scale massacre.

If anyone here belongs in the age range that I mention, please forgive my audacity!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Indiscriminate planting seems to be the order of the day in India since we get to read and see so many trees being cut every year by the authorities for widening the road or some other purpose. One wonders whether they have no forethought or whether they think enough about trying to save the trees by finding an alternative solution? It is obvious they dont give any thought while mercilessly chopping down full grown trees !

When we think about this type of indiscriminate cutting of trees, the people who do it have absolutely no thoughts about its repercussions. In Maharashtra in several cities, there are major construction of roads, highways taking place for which literally hundreds of thousands of trees are being cut down. Only in a few places, efforts were taken to transplant those trees to other suitable places but those efforts were too halfhearted and most trees died anyway! And Mr. Pawar senior was talking yesterday about creating 26 more exclusive hill cities for the stinking rich, which will destroy further more equal number of trees and displace the same number of farmers! :sick:

The story is same everywhere. Someone was telling me that in Srinagar (J&K), lot many concentrated tree areas are today bereft of trees. it looks like a city of the plains. But nature will force coming generations to again afforest in a big way.

Nature has already started sending us warnings, big time, but we are still not taking them seriously!! :blink: :blink:

About the humorous note you mentioned elsewhere, I do not want to start a political debate here, but it remains a fact that maximum destruction of natural resources and deforestation has taken place within the last few decades all of which was during the reign of congress party. While we were under British rule, they too cut down large number of trees for their own benefit but at the same time, they took care to replace those many numbers , which our people never did and are still not doing!So where trees are concerned, I blame everyone, congress, BJP, Communists, leftists,. Marxists and all other parties, and my father, my mother and all of their generation who is now in 60s! They never did much to avoid such large scale massacre.

If anyone here belongs in the age range that I mention, please forgive my audacity!

What you said is true. Environmental abuse in such a large astronomical scale happened only during last few decades in the name of urbanization and development. For this we the people are responsible.
Thank you said by: Kalyani Nandurkar
Indiscriminate planting seems to be the order of the day in India since we get to read and see so many trees being cut every year by the authorities for widening the road or some other purpose. One wonders whether they have no forethought or whether they think enough about trying to save the trees by finding an alternative solution? It is obvious they dont give any thought while mercilessly chopping down full grown trees !

When we think about this type of indiscriminate cutting of trees, the people who do it have absolutely no thoughts about its repercussions. In Maharashtra in several cities, there are major construction of roads, highways taking place for which literally hundreds of thousands of trees are being cut down. Only in a few places, efforts were taken to transplant those trees to other suitable places but those efforts were too halfhearted and most trees died anyway! And Mr. Pawar senior was talking yesterday about creating 26 more exclusive hill cities for the stinking rich, which will destroy further more equal number of trees and displace the same number of farmers! :sick:

The story is same everywhere. Someone was telling me that in Srinagar (J&K), lot many concentrated tree areas are today bereft of trees. it looks like a city of the plains. But nature will force coming generations to again afforest in a big way.

Nature has already started sending us warnings, big time, but we are still not taking them seriously!! :blink: :blink:

About the humorous note you mentioned elsewhere, I do not want to start a political debate here, but it remains a fact that maximum destruction of natural resources and deforestation has taken place within the last few decades all of which was during the reign of congress party. While we were under British rule, they too cut down large number of trees for their own benefit but at the same time, they took care to replace those many numbers , which our people never did and are still not doing!So where trees are concerned, I blame everyone, congress, BJP, Communists, leftists,. Marxists and all other parties, and my father, my mother and all of their generation who is now in 60s! They never did much to avoid such large scale massacre.

If anyone here belongs in the age range that I mention, please forgive my audacity!

Kalyani, when I speak to my mother she says that when she was growing up they hardly had any major ndustries nor roads that is required for these projects.Most of the mega projects started in the sixties and seventies and that was the beginning of deforestation. Now of course one can see rampant destruction all over the country. The only place where I have seen the practice of planting trees when some are cut is in private plantations in Chikmaglur and Coorg since it is to their benefit to do so...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Thank you said by: Kalyani Nandurkar
Indiscriminate planting seems to be the order of the day in India since we get to read and see so many trees being cut every year by the authorities for widening the road or some other purpose. One wonders whether they have no forethought or whether they think enough about trying to save the trees by finding an alternative solution? It is obvious they dont give any thought while mercilessly chopping down full grown trees !

When we think about this type of indiscriminate cutting of trees, the people who do it have absolutely no thoughts about its repercussions. In Maharashtra in several cities, there are major construction of roads, highways taking place for which literally hundreds of thousands of trees are being cut down. Only in a few places, efforts were taken to transplant those trees to other suitable places but those efforts were too halfhearted and most trees died anyway! And Mr. Pawar senior was talking yesterday about creating 26 more exclusive hill cities for the stinking rich, which will destroy further more equal number of trees and displace the same number of farmers! :sick:

The story is same everywhere. Someone was telling me that in Srinagar (J&K), lot many concentrated tree areas are today bereft of trees. it looks like a city of the plains. But nature will force coming generations to again afforest in a big way.

Nature has already started sending us warnings, big time, but we are still not taking them seriously!! :blink: :blink:

About the humorous note you mentioned elsewhere, I do not want to start a political debate here, but it remains a fact that maximum destruction of natural resources and deforestation has taken place within the last few decades all of which was during the reign of congress party. While we were under British rule, they too cut down large number of trees for their own benefit but at the same time, they took care to replace those many numbers , which our people never did and are still not doing!So where trees are concerned, I blame everyone, congress, BJP, Communists, leftists,. Marxists and all other parties, and my father, my mother and all of their generation who is now in 60s! They never did much to avoid such large scale massacre.

If anyone here belongs in the age range that I mention, please forgive my audacity!

Kalyani, when I speak to my mother she says that when she was growing up they hardly had any major ndustries nor roads that is required for these projects.Most of the mega projects started in the sixties and seventies and that was the beginning of deforestation. Now of course one can see rampant destruction all over the country. The only place where I have seen the practice of planting trees when some are cut is in private plantations in Chikmaglur and Coorg since it is to their benefit to do so...

Usha, yes, I know that but that was the time when the aforementioned generation was in their prime and they could have taken efforts to stop the destruction at the early onset but probably the picture of progress that was painted was too vivid that the greens of the trees looked quite faint! Anyway, I am not blaming them all, we of the later generations are also to be blamed equally! Along with the places you mentioned, there are many other places where efforts are being taken to plant trees. Like near my place for instance, I mentioned in this post or somewhere else that almost 20,000 trees are planted on the hills in and around Pune and those trees are now about 3 years old and growing beautifully. Even during last years drought, tankers were brought in and several volunteers literally watered these trees using cans, but kept them alive. A great job indeed for just a couple of hundred volunteers, but sadly these steps are taken privately and find not much support or encouragement from the authorities. Also, there are few with power and vested interests who keep throw obstacles in various forms in the work of these people!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Indiscriminate planting seems to be the order of the day in India since we get to read and see so many trees being cut every year by the authorities for widening the road or some other purpose. One wonders whether they have no forethought or whether they think enough about trying to save the trees by finding an alternative solution? It is obvious they dont give any thought while mercilessly chopping down full grown trees !

When we think about this type of indiscriminate cutting of trees, the people who do it have absolutely no thoughts about its repercussions. In Maharashtra in several cities, there are major construction of roads, highways taking place for which literally hundreds of thousands of trees are being cut down. Only in a few places, efforts were taken to transplant those trees to other suitable places but those efforts were too halfhearted and most trees died anyway! And Mr. Pawar senior was talking yesterday about creating 26 more exclusive hill cities for the stinking rich, which will destroy further more equal number of trees and displace the same number of farmers! :sick:

The story is same everywhere. Someone was telling me that in Srinagar (J&K), lot many concentrated tree areas are today bereft of trees. it looks like a city of the plains. But nature will force coming generations to again afforest in a big way.

Nature has already started sending us warnings, big time, but we are still not taking them seriously!! :blink: :blink:

About the humorous note you mentioned elsewhere, I do not want to start a political debate here, but it remains a fact that maximum destruction of natural resources and deforestation has taken place within the last few decades all of which was during the reign of congress party. While we were under British rule, they too cut down large number of trees for their own benefit but at the same time, they took care to replace those many numbers , which our people never did and are still not doing!So where trees are concerned, I blame everyone, congress, BJP, Communists, leftists,. Marxists and all other parties, and my father, my mother and all of their generation who is now in 60s! They never did much to avoid such large scale massacre.

If anyone here belongs in the age range that I mention, please forgive my audacity!

Kalyani, when I speak to my mother she says that when she was growing up they hardly had any major ndustries nor roads that is required for these projects.Most of the mega projects started in the sixties and seventies and that was the beginning of deforestation. Now of course one can see rampant destruction all over the country. The only place where I have seen the practice of planting trees when some are cut is in private plantations in Chikmaglur and Coorg since it is to their benefit to do so...

I would like to add one more example that has done an exemplary work in Afforestation. It is Vizag Strrl plant. Right from its construction days it has Planted as many number of trees as were felled.It has built a Green Belt around the Steel plant that acted as a Sentinel to protect the entire area from storms and Tsunamis.
Indiscriminate planting seems to be the order of the day in India since we get to read and see so many trees being cut every year by the authorities for widening the road or some other purpose. One wonders whether they have no forethought or whether they think enough about trying to save the trees by finding an alternative solution? It is obvious they dont give any thought while mercilessly chopping down full grown trees !

When we think about this type of indiscriminate cutting of trees, the people who do it have absolutely no thoughts about its repercussions. In Maharashtra in several cities, there are major construction of roads, highways taking place for which literally hundreds of thousands of trees are being cut down. Only in a few places, efforts were taken to transplant those trees to other suitable places but those efforts were too halfhearted and most trees died anyway! And Mr. Pawar senior was talking yesterday about creating 26 more exclusive hill cities for the stinking rich, which will destroy further more equal number of trees and displace the same number of farmers! :sick:

The story is same everywhere. Someone was telling me that in Srinagar (J&K), lot many concentrated tree areas are today bereft of trees. it looks like a city of the plains. But nature will force coming generations to again afforest in a big way.

Nature has already started sending us warnings, big time, but we are still not taking them seriously!! :blink: :blink:

About the humorous note you mentioned elsewhere, I do not want to start a political debate here, but it remains a fact that maximum destruction of natural resources and deforestation has taken place within the last few decades all of which was during the reign of congress party. While we were under British rule, they too cut down large number of trees for their own benefit but at the same time, they took care to replace those many numbers , which our people never did and are still not doing!So where trees are concerned, I blame everyone, congress, BJP, Communists, leftists,. Marxists and all other parties, and my father, my mother and all of their generation who is now in 60s! They never did much to avoid such large scale massacre.

If anyone here belongs in the age range that I mention, please forgive my audacity!

My effort is that let us not look at these problems as UPA or BJP or any other political party problems. BJP had Yedduarappa and every party has contributed its share of environment degraders. You have rightly said it is everyone in society who is responsible for reckless cutting of trees. Let us not forget due to population explosion., such felling of trees in many cases is unavoidable. However it is the replantation activity which is not done sincerely and needs to be converted into a movement by creating awareness esp in the young. it will take time but will happen.
Thank you said by: Kalyani Nandurkar
Indiscriminate planting seems to be the order of the day in India since we get to read and see so many trees being cut every year by the authorities for widening the road or some other purpose. One wonders whether they have no forethought or whether they think enough about trying to save the trees by finding an alternative solution? It is obvious they dont give any thought while mercilessly chopping down full grown trees !

When we think about this type of indiscriminate cutting of trees, the people who do it have absolutely no thoughts about its repercussions. In Maharashtra in several cities, there are major construction of roads, highways taking place for which literally hundreds of thousands of trees are being cut down. Only in a few places, efforts were taken to transplant those trees to other suitable places but those efforts were too halfhearted and most trees died anyway! And Mr. Pawar senior was talking yesterday about creating 26 more exclusive hill cities for the stinking rich, which will destroy further more equal number of trees and displace the same number of farmers! :sick:

The story is same everywhere. Someone was telling me that in Srinagar (J&K), lot many concentrated tree areas are today bereft of trees. it looks like a city of the plains. But nature will force coming generations to again afforest in a big way.

Nature has already started sending us warnings, big time, but we are still not taking them seriously!! :blink: :blink:

About the humorous note you mentioned elsewhere, I do not want to start a political debate here, but it remains a fact that maximum destruction of natural resources and deforestation has taken place within the last few decades all of which was during the reign of congress party. While we were under British rule, they too cut down large number of trees for their own benefit but at the same time, they took care to replace those many numbers , which our people never did and are still not doing!So where trees are concerned, I blame everyone, congress, BJP, Communists, leftists,. Marxists and all other parties, and my father, my mother and all of their generation who is now in 60s! They never did much to avoid such large scale massacre.

If anyone here belongs in the age range that I mention, please forgive my audacity!

My effort is that let us not look at these problems as UPA or BJP or any other political party problems. BJP had Yedduarappa and every party has contributed its share of environment degraders. You have rightly said it is everyone in society who is responsible for reckless cutting of trees. Let us not forget due to population explosion., such felling of trees in many cases is unavoidable. However it is the replantation activity which is not done sincerely and needs to be converted into a movement by creating awareness esp in the young. it will take time but will happen.

True. Awareness has to go deep in to the society. This is the need of the hour. And this awareness programmes need a strong administrative support. Only then our " Mission Aforestation " bears fruits.
Now with a craze for resorts and holiday homes , Western Ghat is being ripped off esp at Sakleshpur and Kudremukh which is so beautiful , with drizzle all round the year keeping the entire place cool and green and the many waterfalls runnig all round the year! But not any more since I see large patches being cleared in the midst of the valleys for these resorts, honestly it is so frustrating to see this happening and who else to blame but the Karnataka governemnt, most of the time we have had Congress ruling here and ...

Purely on a humourous note you may like shifting to a BJP ruled state till Karnataka votes back BJP. Pl understand BJP and COngress are two sides of the same coin.

LOL, why I mentioned Congress was because it is two of their ministers who are responsible for destroying thee foest cover in the name of development.Kudremukh iron ore drilling was stopped after years of fight by the enviornmentalists against this particular minister who is very closse to the gandhi family ..Now he has started his new project with other bigwigs at Western Ghats and that too openly , which goes to show that Congress government has no concern for environmental issues ...So one hopes that BJP learns from these lessons and gives a better performance if and when it comes into power here !

I appreciate the sentiments behind your concern. I have no political affiliation, but over the years I have observed that when different parties come to power they do the same things, only intensity may differ. BJP rule in Karnataka produced the iron ore scam due to which Congress came back to power and the ministers referred to by you have got again opportunity to cause environment degradation. So should we blame BJP for this. It is we the people who have to rise and stop all these. Why was Yeddiurappa elected back or the above Congress Ministers for that matter re-elected. We keep supporting them and wish they will not do wrong things. It is their bread and butter which we authorise them to carry on by re-electing them. We want our battles to be fought by others. My "humourous" remark was on the spur of the moment and in good jest - thank you for taking it lightly.
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