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In last 20 yrs my native place normal temp gone from 29 to 32 in hot summer plus add six to eight virtual temperature due to humidity. it is due to large scale cutting of trees near sea zones. :ohmy: :ohmy:

Everyone knows and agrees that deforestation is harmful but it still goes on. Can not it be stopped.

Yes it cannot be stopped. Dooms day also cannot be stopped.

If there is a will there is a way and if more developed western countries are able to do it , we too certainly can try. But here even tring is a big IF....This is because of lack civic and environmental awareness among the masses. We have people who go and pluck flowers and destroy plants from public parks, so what can we expect from such people ? Some of these are educated and not illiterate and thats the tragedy !

It should be from both the sides. It takes two to tango. Active cooperation from the people and sincere and effective environmental programmes.
In last 20 yrs my native place normal temp gone from 29 to 32 in hot summer plus add six to eight virtual temperature due to humidity. it is due to large scale cutting of trees near sea zones. :ohmy: :ohmy:

Everyone knows and agrees that deforestation is harmful but it still goes on. Can not it be stopped.
It is difficult, the land mafia and the mines mafia are cutting tress and they are backed by powerful and cheap money or raw money are available there and for this, enough force is there to cut trees and build cement structures.

Public awareness and stiff fight by the public against deforestation is the only panacea to end massive tree felling in the name of development.
In last 20 yrs my native place normal temp gone from 29 to 32 in hot summer plus add six to eight virtual temperature due to humidity. it is due to large scale cutting of trees near sea zones. :ohmy: :ohmy:

Everyone knows and agrees that deforestation is harmful but it still goes on. Can not it be stopped.
It is difficult, the land mafia and the mines mafia are cutting tress and they are backed by powerful and cheap money or raw money are available there and for this, enough force is there to cut trees and build cement structures.

Most of these mafias come from the political classes or have political clout as we all know...Here in Mangalore train service to Bangalore remains erratic because of ptivate bus lobby who wd suffer losses if trains are run regularly, such is the state of affairs and as far as forest cover is concerned, one can see it depleting day by day and the government does precious little except use heroic words !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

In last 20 yrs my native place normal temp gone from 29 to 32 in hot summer plus add six to eight virtual temperature due to humidity. it is due to large scale cutting of trees near sea zones. :ohmy: :ohmy:

Everyone knows and agrees that deforestation is harmful but it still goes on. Can not it be stopped.
It is difficult, the land mafia and the mines mafia are cutting tress and they are backed by powerful and cheap money or raw money are available there and for this, enough force is there to cut trees and build cement structures.

Most of these mafias come from the political classes or have political clout as we all know...Here in Mangalore train service to Bangalore remains erratic because of ptivate bus lobby who wd suffer losses if trains are run regularly, such is the state of affairs and as far as forest cover is concerned, one can see it depleting day by day and the government does precious little except use heroic words !

It's as clear as a crystal that the Mafia groups have full support of the people in power. Which is why, nothing worth mentioning has happened, not only in environmental sphere, but also in land grabbing and food hoarding.
mohan manohar wrote:i still remember during standard seven at DPS, one of new teacher taught class about fruit fulness of tree as saying us consider tree as Lord and worship it and that imprints in mind till to date. I was watching some day back when one of program with Discovery channel shows how there is life with tree.

Earlier, in some schools gardening was part of the curriculum and children were taught basics of gardening and a small patch was maintained by the school for this purpose.But once the internet, computer and dancing took over gardening, classical music etc have vanished .. 

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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