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People are the ultimate. This fact about the strength of the people unfortunately was not known to the people until recently. And it was reflected in the election results. These election results are going to be the beginning of a new chapter in the annals of Indian history. Now the people will not look back. They take initiative to correct any misrule by BJP or Congress.
Now with a craze for resorts and holiday homes , Western Ghat is being ripped off esp at Sakleshpur and Kudremukh which is so beautiful , with drizzle all round the year keeping the entire place cool and green and the many waterfalls runnig all round the year! But not any more since I see large patches being cleared in the midst of the valleys for these resorts, honestly it is so frustrating to see this happening and who else to blame but the Karnataka governemnt, most of the time we have had Congress ruling here and ...

Purely on a humourous note you may like shifting to a BJP ruled state till Karnataka votes back BJP. Pl understand BJP and COngress are two sides of the same coin.

LOL, why I mentioned Congress was because it is two of their ministers who are responsible for destroying thee foest cover in the name of development.Kudremukh iron ore drilling was stopped after years of fight by the enviornmentalists against this particular minister who is very closse to the gandhi family ..Now he has started his new project with other bigwigs at Western Ghats and that too openly , which goes to show that Congress government has no concern for environmental issues ...So one hopes that BJP learns from these lessons and gives a better performance if and when it comes into power here !

I appreciate the sentiments behind your concern. I have no political affiliation, but over the years I have observed that when different parties come to power they do the same things, only intensity may differ. BJP rule in Karnataka produced the iron ore scam due to which Congress came back to power and the ministers referred to by you have got again opportunity to cause environment degradation. So should we blame BJP for this. It is we the people who have to rise and stop all these. Why was Yeddiurappa elected back or the above Congress Ministers for that matter re-elected. We keep supporting them and wish they will not do wrong things. It is their bread and butter which we authorise them to carry on by re-electing them. We want our battles to be fought by others. My "humourous" remark was on the spur of the moment and in good jest - thank you for taking it lightly.
During Yeddy rule in Karnataka, the role of governor's house is always questionable and you are forgetting that aspect.

Now with a craze for resorts and holiday homes , Western Ghat is being ripped off esp at Sakleshpur and Kudremukh which is so beautiful , with drizzle all round the year keeping the entire place cool and green and the many waterfalls runnig all round the year! But not any more since I see large patches being cleared in the midst of the valleys for these resorts, honestly it is so frustrating to see this happening and who else to blame but the Karnataka governemnt, most of the time we have had Congress ruling here and ...

Purely on a humourous note you may like shifting to a BJP ruled state till Karnataka votes back BJP. Pl understand BJP and COngress are two sides of the same coin.

LOL, why I mentioned Congress was because it is two of their ministers who are responsible for destroying thee foest cover in the name of development.Kudremukh iron ore drilling was stopped after years of fight by the enviornmentalists against this particular minister who is very closse to the gandhi family ..Now he has started his new project with other bigwigs at Western Ghats and that too openly , which goes to show that Congress government has no concern for environmental issues ...So one hopes that BJP learns from these lessons and gives a better performance if and when it comes into power here !

I appreciate the sentiments behind your concern. I have no political affiliation, but over the years I have observed that when different parties come to power they do the same things, only intensity may differ. BJP rule in Karnataka produced the iron ore scam due to which Congress came back to power and the ministers referred to by you have got again opportunity to cause environment degradation. So should we blame BJP for this. It is we the people who have to rise and stop all these. Why was Yeddiurappa elected back or the above Congress Ministers for that matter re-elected. We keep supporting them and wish they will not do wrong things. It is their bread and butter which we authorise them to carry on by re-electing them. We want our battles to be fought by others. My "humourous" remark was on the spur of the moment and in good jest - thank you for taking it lightly.

Of course I understand your concerns and I have similar concerns - about Yediyurappa - it is presumed that he is behind all ills in Karnataka which is not the case at all...In fact he was against bringing in both the Reddy brothers who were in Congress but wanted to join BJP when it came to power. All the iron ore scam happened during Congress tenure but got highlighted during BJP rule. That apart, Yediurappa is taking on the blame for his family of son and 2 son inlaws and a nephew who have been involved in scams and used his name for which he has apologised in the high court and in front of the media, this is known here very well, and it is because of this reason that he has been voted back but Modi has asked him to fight the cases and come out and also work for the party before he is given any role in decision making.. As far as the Congress minister is concerned there was opposition to his becoming a minister in the present Siddaramaiah government , even the CM was not for it but Sonia Gandhi wanted him to have the post ! There were many clean Congress MLAs who deserved the ministerial post but were denied, so this shows the attitude of the Congress leader ! Arrogance and personal gains is what they want more than anything else !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

It seems truth about karnataka is ydt go bd revealed.

Many a times what happens within the state is known only to the locals since a very sketchy picture is given in the national media...However, no matter what the reality is , law is the same for all and one has to face the consequences no matter who you are - Yediurappa or Sonia Gandhi ! :dry:

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Now with a craze for resorts and holiday homes , Western Ghat is being ripped off esp at Sakleshpur and Kudremukh which is so beautiful , with drizzle all round the year keeping the entire place cool and green and the many waterfalls runnig all round the year! But not any more since I see large patches being cleared in the midst of the valleys for these resorts, honestly it is so frustrating to see this happening and who else to blame but the Karnataka governemnt, most of the time we have had Congress ruling here and ...

Purely on a humourous note you may like shifting to a BJP ruled state till Karnataka votes back BJP. Pl understand BJP and COngress are two sides of the same coin.

LOL, why I mentioned Congress was because it is two of their ministers who are responsible for destroying thee foest cover in the name of development.Kudremukh iron ore drilling was stopped after years of fight by the enviornmentalists against this particular minister who is very closse to the gandhi family ..Now he has started his new project with other bigwigs at Western Ghats and that too openly , which goes to show that Congress government has no concern for environmental issues ...So one hopes that BJP learns from these lessons and gives a better performance if and when it comes into power here !

The humorous note of the member helped in extracting some more deeds of anti environmental activities by the previous governments.. I must thank him.

Receiving thanks from you is equivalent to my having planted 100 trees !
Many a times what happens within the state is known only to the locals since a very sketchy picture is given in the national media...However, no matter what the reality is , law is the same for all and one has to face the consequences no matter who you are - Yediurappa or Sonia Gandhi ! :dry:

The opposite is also true : Many a times what happens within a state is known only to the locals since a very rosy picture is promoted / given in the national media.
Many a times what happens within the state is known only to the locals since a very sketchy picture is given in the national media...However, no matter what the reality is , law is the same for all and one has to face the consequences no matter who you are - Yediurappa or Sonia Gandhi ! :dry:
Absolutely, many a times, national media is completely ignoring issues related to local situations as only one reporter for a state for them.

National media too has different wings devoted to different regions. For example Indian Express has button in its home page,On clicking it you can see news from different states.
All electronic media channels are ignoring regional news altogether.

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