Articles [General Reference]

People reading the topic might think that I am here to discuss the chances of winnings,cricket analysis or some cricket jargon.Be assured,it isn't any of those. Today,30th March.2011,our country's team plays against the neighboring country's...

The need for success It is an accepted fact that we are happy only when we arte successful. The next time when you are feeling depressed due some kind of failure, do something that you know you can do well. You will feel much better afterwards. It...

Strikes - Harmful to the Nation Strike ! Strike ! Strike ! Sometimes workers  do not resume work until their demands are accepted by the employer.Thus , Strike is a planned refusal of work. Workers go on strike to press for demands like...

No one wins a race in the first attempt. Victory is the final outcome of many trials and failures. Only those who are willing to face the hurdles deserve victory. If the first attempt fails, keep trying again and again.  The story of the tortoise...

We can judge the character of a person from the way he behaves. Good manners are important in the life of every person. We cannot only judge a person’s character from his behavior but also tell that what kind of family he or she comes from. We can...

Cooperating Man is a social animal. He lives in society. Since he has to live in society, he has to following certain rules of behavior. He has to cultivate a particular pattern of behavior. He has to be gentle and kind. He has to be polite. He...

God has created man. Every person is equal before him. It is man who has made divisions between man and man, based on class, color and creed. People live in different continents. Some are fair, while others are dark. Some speak English, while...

Trust yourself and the world will trust you. Distrust in yourself will make the world distrust you. The sirens wailed and all traffic came to a standstill in the little city of reading in Pennsylvania. The police were in hot pursuit of a young...

HI,write now you are thinking what kind of article it is,but friends there are some inner points which you should know  before involving anywhere.We the pepole of India feel pride when somebody from outside  praises our famous citizen's...

There were more conductors than passengers in the bus and most of them armed with whistle, the exact prototypes of the conductor’s own whistles:-  It was not a `university special’ but the students made it so, and the conductor was...

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