Articles [General Reference]

Transshipment means shifting of goods from a vessel or an aircraft to anchor vessel, aircraft or a conveyance for ultimate destination to a foreign port or a Customs Port or an airport other than the port of landing. In such cases duty of Customs...

                 With a young, talented and energetic workforce, India seems to top them all when it comes to service sector, even leaving behind major economies like China and the United states behind. No matter how big the multinational companies...

Emotions arise from desires which in turn grow from an awareness that there are still more exciting possibilities ahead on a chosen path. Now the thinking process is activated and objective steps formulated to reach your new goals. You begin to...

The topic I am writing about is common but less spoken about. We all have faced it many times in our lives. We dream. We’re bound to, because we are human. And during the course of that dreaming, none of us realize that there is a remote...

Every individual, whether he is a student, an employee or businessman, has his own schedule from day to day. Even a housewife or a domestic servant has her own daily schedule. Though the routine keeps the person occupied, life does become dull...

To answer this question, let us examine of wealth can give happiness. If we have a choice between wealth and happiness, what would we go far? A sensible man would want happiness. Our connotation for wealth is excessive accumulation of money and...

A sport is a game or any physical activity, mainly outdoor, involving competition. Cricket, football, table-tennis are some common sports. A student is ideally engaged in studies which tax his mind and brain, and sports provide the much needed...

Gardening - Recreation to mind An employed man has to put in at least eight hours of hard work per day to earn his bread. At the end of the day's job, he is physically tired and mentally bored. To avoid the effects of such a life, man needs some...

My examinations were over and the October vacation had just begun. I went with my brother to Badalapur to spend the weekend with my cousin, Deepa. I was just looking around in her room. I picked up ‘Real Ghost Stories’ from her collection of books....

A sharp bell rang. We stopped discussing and our feet walked mechanically towards the hall. In a couple of minutes we were answering the Geometry paper. The paper evoked different reactions from different candidates. I answered all the questions...

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