Articles [General Reference]

Do you find it hard to sit down to study? Do you find your self working for too long? Sometimes, the same person can have both problems!  If you find that are looking for reasons not to sit down to work, or not wanting to study, you need to...

Thrift means careful management, especially of money. A thrifty man is one who does not spend too much, and wisely saves all he can. And it is good to remember that the word `thrift’ is connected with the word `thrive,’ for `to thrive’ means to be...

Just as you reach your workplace and have finally settled in your chair. After you’ve switched on the computer and have finally got over with the boot and installation process and as you click for your mailbox to open, you are greeted with the...

They are more frequent, because in the tropics for eight or nine months of the year the moon never wastes its beams on banks of cloud that intercept its light from the earth. They are more agreeable, because the climate invites the inhabitants of...

  Success never come by itself, you all would agree to it . To some people success comes quickly , and to some it takes time to get that level . Have you ever analysed the reason behind the success of the great people . The great businessman , the...

Dear Reader, I write this as a common man.We have just celebrated our National Republic day.I remember as a kid we were taught about Republic of India.The history so rich and alarming.How much struggle involved,how much blood shed,what a heavy...

मिस्टर पूँछ            मक्खन-युग में मि०पूँछ की पूछ  बड़ी है विशेष प्रजाति में इनकी चाहत हर-घड़ी है इन्हें देखकर 'मुन्नी बदनाम हुई'की याद आती है जो अपनी कमसीन अदा से सबको लुभाती है जब विशेष वर्ग  के  लोग चलते है तो मि०पूँछ फालतू हिलते है,  ...

Modern era has seen renovation in many fields. One which is very crucial is the marketing field where technologies are constantly upgraded to implement innovative marketing tactics which has become the prerequisite solution for any fast growing...

We know the basics of the SIM now.But there's more to this chip than imagined.Communication itself is a beautiful thing.Anything associated with it would be complex.   Its a chip that allows you to make calls,receive calls or messages,allows you...

First and foremost, I want to remind - to keep the love partner can only be constantly working on yourself and in something a loss. Very often, what was once a beautiful girl, carefully monitor their appearance and dress in fashion, having lived...

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