Articles [General Reference]

COOLING OF TRANSFORMER With a transformer is connected to the mains, het is produced in the transformer due to various losses in it. This increase its temperature. In fact, output of the transformer is limited by the raise in temperature....

  दिल से दिल जब मिले.... तो समझो होली है | खिले प्रेम  के  फूल......... तो समझो होली है |   'रंग' मेरा रंगीला मन  है, जिसके ऊपर आये मिटे जांति-धर्म का भेद, सब अपना ही हो जाये बिछुडों से मिले तार . तो समझो होली है | प्यार की पड़े'...

Developing confidence  `There years ago, Mr. Chandra, I came to the hotel where you were conducting one your demonstrations. I walked up to the door of the meeting room and then stopped. I knew if I entered that room and joined a class, sooner or...

It was high sun over the computer institute of Hyderabad. Certainly not rush hour, but the times when the buses are rushing back to their depots, by passing passengers.  A bus for sanjeeva reddy nagar was fully packed, and I was jammed in the...

What is a team? A team is a group of individuals who work together to attain a particular goal or objective of the team. A team man is an individual of the team who also co-operates with the other individual of the team to accomplish a teams task....

Again, there are different methods that can be helpful in remerging points for different subjects. You can also use a combination of methods, and see which one suit you best.  A method may be better suited to a subject or task. For example,...

A newspaper is a publication which contains general information, current news from all across the world and advertisements of different types. Newspapers feature articles on various subjects. They may be politics, current events, crime, business,...

A rich man may spend his money carelessly; but a man with a limited income must practice economy, so as to waste nothing and get the most out of every rupee he spends. Now, the time at our disposal is strictly limited. When we are young, with all...

Humility –a great virtue Humility is divinity While it is wonderful to earn wealth, become famous or powerful, one must learn to be always humble. Otherwise, all riches, fame or power will vanish very fast. You would have heard of many rich and...

This proverb seems at first sight to be a contradiction in terms; for `haste’ and 1speed’ mean the same, namely, swift movement. The saying would seem to mean, the more you hurry the less quickly you will go- which seems absurd.  However, the word...

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