Articles [General Reference]

There are many times you dream for something and all of a sudden you get it. Like when I was a kid, I used to dream for small things like a going to some place or spending time with friends, I grew and then dreamt of a job.....when you get...

 *A person can rejoice only when he has conquered his inner self. There is then a great inner joy in him. Such a person is a true conqueror of the self. His joy knows no bounds, and any amount of external rejoicing cannot be compared to the inner...

Everyone is always looking for little tips to save on our water bills, washing with rainwater is a great saving on water bill. It works, it's cheaper and you do not really see the difference with clothing that is washed with tap water. One or more...

Fluoride intake provides a lower IQ, according to a 1995 study. While brushing your teeth you always get in fluoride. There are fifty studies on the harmful effects of fluoride. Some studies show that the IQ of children who use fluoride than 10%...

Do you have a friend ? Who you call a friend and what you do in friendship? All these questions have got one answer friends are made from heart , got pampered from heart   and remain alive in heart .Today people make friends very easily but do not...

*On lifting the receiver, it's not enough if you merely say hello but mention your name or your company's.This instant information will save the time of getting it confirmed by the calling party. *When some people make a phone call and say 'can...

YOUR FAVOURITE BELONGING Few days back my cousin asked me what was my favourite belonging and I was not able to answer immediately. After pondering for a while I replied, “My iPoD. Wherever I go, I make it a point to not forget to carry it. How...

Simon was Ann’s friend. Ann wanted to give Simon a gift on his birthday. Simon had invited Ann to his birthday part. Simon lived in a little house with his family.  He had a lot of books and toys. Simon had everything he needed. `I want to give...

Mother was cleaning the house. She saw a feather on the carpet. It was white in color. Mother wondered where the feathers were coming from. Birds never came inside the house. Mother called out to the house keeper. `Shankar!’ `Yes Madam,’...

Never did I imagine that I would be spending my day at a zoo. A zoo I assumed is only for the kids. I can only remember going to the zoo as a kid...or going with a kid. I've happen to visit  Netherlands for  a brief period as I am accompanying...

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