Articles [General Reference]

It is difficult for me to imagine how I would feel if ever I became a millionaire. I am sure I would be too excited and it would take some time to calm down and accept reality. Obviously, then I would not need a job. If God has been so kind to me,...

What is this life if full of care, We have no time to stand and stare. W. H. Davies has rightly said that if we do not have leisure to do things we want to then life be boring, monotonous and dull. Leisure means a time in which person does...

Can we get closer to God ?   Yes, we can.  Then another question arise in our mind "How to get closer to God?"  . There is also an answer for it. If we ponder upon we will come to know that provide selfless service towards everyone will show  the...

This is a well-known proverb and it must have originated in the cold countries which do not receive the direct rays of the sun and rarely benefit by the heat of the sun. They have to wait for the rare opportunity when they can dry grass for fodder....

It is true that hardwork always pay.  It may be in one form or another.  Children generally expect good results after doing tremendous hardwork during the whole year.  A farmer who plants the seed  gets the fruit in the season after putting his...

Listen to a group of adolescents chatting. Ask a mother about her children. Observe a teacher in the company of pupils. Most likely, one would be responsive to the affect in these interactions. Emotion would have animated each narrative, each...

Home for the aged has become very commonly now-a-days.  People hardly find any time for look after the aged person at home.  Love and care provided by the home for the aged is worth mentioning.  People who are unable to look after himself or...

Lucky are those people who strive towards excellence with hardwork, consistence and sincerity.  They are the most goal oriented people.  They toil the soil with sweat and generate tremendous energy with zeal to accomplish the mission or objective...

People always try to live in a better way.  People who are successful in life always share their experiences which are gained by them in long run.  But all the successful people are really happy ? The answer is better known to them.  They hardly...

Man is a social animal.  He lives in society and share his happiness and sorrow with fellow being.  Developing his ability and skills for the overall growth will help in development of self and society at large.  The million dollar question is "How...

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