Articles [General Reference]

People now-a-days feel worried about their living style.  People generally have a mad rush towards money making.  This mad rush shows impact on well being  of a person.  What is the ultimate aim of man ? It is to become wealthy .  For some people...

I was born in Mumbai in 1993. My mother told me that I was a through-bred Labrador. My little master called me ‘Shonu’ and the name stuck. I was adjudged the most intelligent out of a litter of three pups. My mother was proud of me, but her...

Man needs so many things in life, and he cannot obtain any of these without money. I happen that one man does not have enough money while his neighbor has too much money. It is this inequitable distribution of money that causes all the evil. Let...

Not all that we read gives us pleasure. However busy a man may be, he takes time off to read the newspaper and important letters. This is for information, not for pleasure. When we have some leisure (free time), we may pick up a book and read....

I was in standard nine and our Diwali vacation was close at hand. Some of us got together and coaxed our teachers to organize a school visit. After some discussion 20 students and two teachers decided to go to Lonavala. We left by school bus in...

I was a holiday for dad and he had promised to help me with my shopping. I had only two more days to go back to Satara boarding school. I was ready with my list and after some thinking; we decided to go Bandra where we have the most up-to-date...

I took the morning newspaper in my hand and read the bold headlines: CST BOUND LOCAL DERAILS 14 killed and 37 injured. I was shocked. I read the whole report. The accident had occurred between Ghatkopar and Kurla. From the middle ladies’...

In these days when public transport is not dependable, many boys and young men have two-wheelers which render communication quick and easy. I am one such young man. I have been using a Hero Honda for the last eight years. It was the 23rd of...

CULTURE Culture is to organisations, groups or population segments, as personality is to an individual. The culture of a group is a set of commonly held beliefs and values ref1ected in fairly predictable behaviour patterns. Some aspects of culture...

In the context of present scenario, one of the most emerging issues is Time management (hereafter referred as TM) i.e. how one can effectively manage one’s time. Time is a resource that cannot be replaced by any entity in the world. Because of the...

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