Articles [General Reference]

We all use the mobile phone so much it's an integral part of our communication.We all know that any mobile phone cannot function without a SIM.How to get it is widely known;you can get it through any telecom retailer,showroom even the paan -wala's...

Mobile Number Portability...commonly known as MNP is the fervor of the telecom industry at the moment. When the concept was first introduced and the word spread out that such a facility is to be launched in our country, tremors were created. Many...

I love to play with colors. So I decided to make a list of the key fashion Color Trends for fall/ winter 2010/ 2011. Most of us are attracted to exiting colors rather than experimenting something new. Once you understand color, it's relatively easy...

We talk on our side so much about what you can do to be successful and to get more of what you wish for. What we write, however rare, is the failure and the failure. It is the failure to even to life.One might even say:To be successful, must master...

टेलीविजन विज्ञानं की अनोंखी देंन है | टेलीविजन का अविष्कार प्रमुख रूप से अमेरिकी वैज्ञानिक एल्ल्नन बी ड्यूमांट ऩे किया था | टेलीविजन के परदे पर हम कलाकार को एक साथ नाचते, गाते, संवाद बोलते और अभिनय करते हुए देख सकते है | वैसे ही समचारोंके साथ ही...

Good manners refer to the way people go about doing things both in private and public it covers rules of behavior, varieties of disposition and temperament, outward learning and attitudes. It covers the whole range of our conduct in relation to...

कौआ-कोयल परीक्षा ने आकर दिया ,मुझे खरा एक तर्क कौआ-कोयल के बीच में ,कितना बड़ा है फर्क कुछ कौए पढ़ते समय, करते कर्कश नाद सबसे घूम-घूम कहते हैं ,हो गया मुझे सब याद ||   पर परीक्षा की वेला ने ,खेला ऐसा खेल बाकी पक्षी उड़ गए ,कौआ हो गया...

Ramesh, a little boy, about eleven years old was waiting for his bus in the bus stop. A lady wearing glasses sat next to him, on the waiting bench. She was reading a book. She gave the boy a quick glance and continued reading.  Next to the bus...

A woman,earlier, was just a wife who was to take care of the family and produce off springs.She was not an important part of the society.She had no voice and in earlier days for a woman to hold any position equal to the man was an unthinkable...

  One day the sun and the wind met on a hill. They looked down and saw a man coming up the hill. He was wearing a thick coat.  The wind said to the sun, `I am stronger than you. See, I can make this man take off his court.’ `Try it, said the sun...

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