Articles [General Reference]

Child care should be taken and it is essential to pay particular attention to the child on every end. Even after brushing hair, cutting nails, the mother of the child needs to attend him/her carefully on other aspects too.  Just as baby clothes ...

Life is not easy to summarize in a few quotes;, especially when it comes to children. Parents and other significant people(herein after referred to as parents) in the lives of children need to learn that do not deal with extensions of their...

Everybody want to live in love, they want to be a lover and want to find the best lover of the world, everyone wants to someone who can fulfill their need. We want someone who can feel our thought and our feeling. Someone special with whom, we can...

Girls are most valuable and lovable creation of God, but it is true that, most neglected too. Girls whole live their life according to others.There are few steps which faced by all girls:At the time of birth_ All family members hops for a baby boy...

Whenever you are sad Whenever you are gray Come to me, I don’t promise that I will make you laugh, But I promise that I will cry with you. When there is nobody with you And you want to share your things with, Just remember me and I will...

"Life is very beautiful". we all have only one life.So all should live it with full of enjoyment and dedication to our work. Its all about our thinking if we think that it is beautiful then it will be beautiful, belive me it will be beautifull...

''साहित्य समाज का दर्पण है''| यह कहना है आचार्य महावीर प्रसाद जी का | किसी काल या देश का सही चित्र यदि हम कही देख सकते है तो उसके लिए देश के साहित्य में झाँकना होगा | हिंदी साहित्य के इतिहास पर दृष्टी डालें तो स्पष्ट हो जायेगा की समय और समाज के...

Why did you do this to me............. I thought you are my support, my teacher my best friend of my life But perhapse...I was wrong, you are nothing but a body who have no feeling Atleast tell me my mistake Why did you do this to...

Usually, the debt of love to parents is not a hard one to pay because most mothers and fathers are very loving and caring towards their children. But even in rare cases when a parent seems unlovable, for example, a brutal father or a deserting...

Everything seemed the same today.Sipping my morning tea and brushing through the headlines,as I was getting ready to finish my daily chores,my relative tells me to switch on the news.Something terrible has happened that has shaken the whole...

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