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Yes for every thing women cannot ask men. If she earn some pocket money she can buy her minimum needs.

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Yes for every thing women cannot ask men. If she earn some pocket money she can buy her minimum needs.

Every woman can ask her husband for money. But it differs how he takes it. :evil: :evil:

Meera sandhu
Yes it depends on their relation and understanding.

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Now even men are asking for pocket money from women. I know some one who does so. :laugh:

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Now even men are asking for pocket money from women. I know some one who does so. :laugh:

It's none other than you asking money from your Tabla teacher :evil: :evil:

Meera sandhu
Yes they should i told this to my wife also but she remains so much busy with the kids and household work that at present scenerio she can't think of anything else. :blink:

Bringing 2 small kids together is not at all a small task :evil: :evil:

I know it that's why i never compell her to do it.Its always her wish if she wants to do it then its OK otherwise also its OK. :)

Yes this should be her choice, you are the one who is responsible to provide her pocket money.

Yes its prime responsibilty of a man to provide money to his wife.Circumstances may change if wife is working and husband is looking after household works. :laugh:
Yes they should i told this to my wife also but she remains so much busy with the kids and household work that at present scenerio she can't think of anything else. :blink:

Bringing 2 small kids together is not at all a small task :evil: :evil:

I know it that's why i never compell her to do it.Its always her wish if she wants to do it then its OK otherwise also its OK. :)

Yes this should be her choice, you are the one who is responsible to provide her pocket money.

Yes its prime responsibilty of a man to provide money to his wife.Circumstances may change if wife is working and husband is looking after household works. :laugh:

In Kottayam district of Kerala, many Christian boys are in search of a BSc Nursing wife, who works in Gulf countries. While she works in hospitals, he can stay at home, cooking and looking after children :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
It's a fact not joking :evil: :evil:
In Kottayam, majority of Christian girls have BSc nursing degree in hand...even my sister-in-law :evil: :evil: :evil:

But, she has to stay at home looking after the kid, as my brother doesn't like...she looks after patients :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Meera sandhu
Yes, women should be independent. Earning from themselves is a good option. Many Women does this, also there is a huge understanding from their husband.

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I think little earning too gives her self-respect.
Women should be independent. Not fully depends on others.

If women is not earning. Husband should give her pocket money.

Be positive
Sometimes, situations of family become bad that she also have to work to lift a little burden from her husband's shoulders

Meera sandhu
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