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Sometimes, situations of family become bad that she also have to work to lift a little burden from her husband's shoulders

That is not at all wrong. It is good thing, to give some sort of help in family.

Want to make each day Accountable

I believe in making career. If our base is strong, we can do anything. Moreover our next generation would learn something from us.

I agree with Sandhya's mother. She is right. It is fact and necessary for all women. However if we are working just for earning our daily expenses, I would say that woman has some fear in her mind. Be ambitious and brave. Money comes automatically. Husband is man but there is no hard and first rule that he will alone build his career and fame. Being their life partner, we should also come forward and work shoulder to shoulder with them.

Moreover, Men also works just to earn money and not to build career and fame. I am actually excluding them. It is so because women cannot take their career and earn money. That's little difficult.

I want to say thanks to Sandhya for creating this thread. This thread will be read by the whole world and many girls would learn from here. In India only 30% girls are ambitious, among them only 10% can prove themselves.
Thank you said by: Ronark Bhardwaj, Sandhya Rani
I believe in making career. If our base is strong, we can do anything. Moreover our next generation would learn something from us.

I agree with the Sandhya's mother. She is right. It is fact and necessary for all women. However if we are working just for earning our daily expenses, I would say that woman has some fear in her mind. Be ambitious and brave. Money comes automatically. Husband is man but there is no hard and first rule that he will alone build his career and fame. Being their life partner, we should also come forward and work shoulder to shoulder with them.

Moreover, Men also works just to earn money and not to build career and fame. I am actually excluding them. It is so because women cannot take their career and earn money. That's little difficult.

I give huge appreciation and huge claps to your thoughts. Women is a partner to men and if Women gives support to men, then it becomes very much easy for Men. All Women should understand this, also the Husband sometimes doesn't gives permission to Women, but husband should also understand and should allow Women to work.
Nice Thoughts Devyaniji.

Want to make each day Accountable

Such questions were raised against me also even if I was looking after my small girl and doing share trading at home. Some people think that am sitting at home, eating free. One of such persons directly asked me too, till now I have never looked at her face. That's why I decided to do some online job to earn at least a small amount. Then no one will raise fingers against me. Isn't it????
Actually money counts a lot!!!!

Meera sandhu
I believe in making career. If our base is strong, we can do anything. Moreover our next generation would learn something from us.

I agree with Sandhya's mother. She is right. It is fact and necessary for all women. However if we are working just for earning our daily expenses, I would say that woman has some fear in her mind. Be ambitious and brave. Money comes automatically. Husband is man but there is no hard and first rule that he will alone build his career and fame. Being their life partner, we should also come forward and work shoulder to shoulder with them.

Moreover, Men also works just to earn money and not to build career and fame. I am actually excluding them. It is so because women cannot take their career and earn money. That's little difficult.

I want to say thanks to Sandhya for creating this thread. This thread will be read by the whole world and many girls would learn from here. In India only 30% girls are ambitious, among them only 10% can prove themselves.

What a powerful reply given by you dear!!!! Am really inspired!!!
Really, thanks a lot from the bottom of my heart :) :) :) :)

Meera sandhu
I always feel that i have educated enough by using my parents money and its my turn to earn and stand on my feet. Though my parents wont allow me to work outside. Atleast i want to make few rupees so that i want to show i am also earning and not living freely as unfit person. I can also do something. I can also earn something. I am not lazy.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Every women shown earn something for their need it is necessary on this modern world. Otherwise they can't able to survive on this world. :)

Earning with honesty is always welcome.It may be man or woman.It helps individuals to be self sufficient and helps in family to run smoothly.
In present world, women thinks that if she sit in home and work in kitchen only meaning is not correct. She should also need to earn some thing to meet small needs and saving money for the sake of children and for any urgent necessary things.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

In present world, women thinks that if she sit in home and work in kitchen only meaning is not correct. She should also need to earn some thing to meet small needs and saving money for the sake of children and for any urgent necessary things.

Also, it helps her mind to free from unwanted thoughts, as it's told.....Idle mind is devil's workshop :evil: :evil:

Meera sandhu
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