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yes, you are right. If a women is free, not only women, anyone free, their mind wont be active and they will forget basic things also. So I feel everyone should do some work other than house hold work. and everyone should earn some thing so that they will have some confidence in their mind. when we spend the money which we earn there will be alot of happiness in them

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Yes it is noticeable those women who work or engaged themselves ,may be versatile and free minded.
Bruce Lee wrote:
Yes she should definitely earn as well as spend.. my grandmother was one best example who earned money through embroidery and designs...though my grandfather was a Doctor and is having lot of family properties my grandmother was bold lady...

Hats of to your grandmother Rajani. Yes there are some more women in this world still they earn by just they know things.

I think in olden days housewives were busy in household activities more than present time and even they had to manage more than single child...(my grandmother has 10 children in totally including my mom)...but still she never got tired and kept her hobby alive..Even in another birth may be I cannt do so... :)

Yes due to increase in technology the women became lazy.

Technology???? :huh: :unsure: I don't think technology should be blamed...If you heard the proverb: Where there is will there is a way you can understand what's missing here...Problem is most women are stressed now-a-days due to nuclear families as they have to play multiple roles...
Technology didnt made women lazy. If you think all electrical things came then we can say men also became lazy due to technology as now many electrical things came for men also

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Self sufficiency is a power of any and to get it we all should be earner.
Technology didnt made women lazy. If you think all electrical things came then we can say men also became lazy due to technology as now many electrical things came for men also

Technology and internet has given online jobs like, all housewives like me should be thankful for that :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Meera sandhu
Boddunana is the best option to all housewives. Earn at home.
yes, Actually human nature is to see disadvantages in anything. Human mind mostly think about negative things that's why people are saying that technology has made women lazy. they mean that instead of hand grinder electrical grinder has come and many like this. So men are feeling women become lazy and enjoying. But they never notice how a women building her self respect by trying make money on her own ever she is a house wife and she is engaged with house hold responsibilities then also she is sparing time for earning, that earning may not be thousand or lakhs but something she is getting. some times this small earning may be helpful when we are in need.

You know my take tailoring classes to students and earns little bit. So that she can purchase vegetables and few things which are necessary and she even saves some of her earning. so my father need of money or he have no time to go to bank and draw money, she will save the time by giving her money to my father.

so no men should underestimate women. If we clearly and frankly distinguish women and men then women are more hard workers than men. Men just work for 8 hours in only one field but women, she do the work of house and then she spare time for earning that may be her professional job as an employee or moneymaking as a house wife.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Thank you said by: Sandhya Rani
We should not distinguish like this. Both have some responsibilities in family . Now question is how much needed.
yes, Actually human nature is to see disadvantages in anything. Human mind mostly think about negative things that's why people are saying that technology has made women lazy. they mean that instead of hand grinder electrical grinder has come and many like this. So men are feeling women become lazy and enjoying. But they never notice how a women building her self respect by trying make money on her own ever she is a house wife and she is engaged with house hold responsibilities then also she is sparing time for earning, that earning may not be thousand or lakhs but something she is getting. some times this small earning may be helpful when we are in need.

You know my take tailoring classes to students and earns little bit. So that she can purchase vegetables and few things which are necessary and she even saves some of her earning. so my father need of money or he have no time to go to bank and draw money, she will save the time by giving her money to my father.

so no men should underestimate women. If we clearly and frankly distinguish women and men then women are more hard workers than men. Men just work for 8 hours in only one field but women, she do the work of house and then she spare time for earning that may be her professional job as an employee or moneymaking as a house wife.

Correct the first sentence of second para as my mother.

Yes, it's true may work for 8 hours while even housewives work in kitchen at late night too....

Actually, both should mutually respect for each other. Also, both office and household works are responsible works and need a lot of hard work.

My husband works in office till 9 pm or 9.30. Actually, am very sad and worried seeing his over work. If he also feels, she is doing every household work neatly and serving me food according to my wishes, there arises a respect for each other...a feeling that the other person is also contributing a lot to the family. :) :) :)
Even good advices of wives can contribute a lot to the family, not only physical helps. How many of you know that????

Meera sandhu
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