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No, its not correct. it is not compulsory to have a love affair before marriage. The affair without marriage is correct

hahaha...Affair without marriage is not good thing in INDIA but its common in wetern countries even they rarely do marriages and beleive in live in relationships. ;)

Although this is not accepted in social circles of lower and lower middle classes but the love affairs are common in our country also.

Yes they are common in youngsters these days but still these are not accepted socially as most of them don't end up with marriage. :) :evil:
Yet, only a rare are there with no love affairs at school/college life. Isn't it?

Meera sandhu
I am the exception i never had an affair though i had lot of female friends in school as well as in college who are still in touch with me. :)
Even i too dont have affairs till now. even i have friends who are boys.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

No there is no need of love befor marriage we can see examples of our ancestors.

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No there is no need of love befor marriage we can see examples of our ancestors.

If Geeta didn't give you a nod, what would have been your answer?
Reply :P :P :P

Meera sandhu
You know these days people start asking question if some one has no affair after 18.

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You know these days people start asking question if some one has no affair after 18.

yes, even my friends are asking the same "Don't you have any girlfriends" This is common nowadays.. :woohoo:

Then what do you tell them? have you or haven't you an affair yet?

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Then what do you tell them? have you or haven't you an affair yet?

No, i dont have any affair still now. But, will be in future.. :P :P

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