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sanjeev as it is not common in India and common in western countries thats why This is known as India. India is full of customs and tradition

You have not answered yet, my doubt

Meera sandhu
No, its not correct. it is not compulsory to have a love affair before marriage. The affair without marriage is correct

hahaha...Affair without marriage is not good thing in INDIA but its common in wetern countries even they rarely do marriages and beleive in live in relationships. ;)

Although this is not accepted in social circles of lower and lower middle classes but the love affairs are common in our country also.

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I mean sandhya, having marriage without love affair, or having no lover affair before marriage is good for the people or couple

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Can anyone of you tell with your open heart....during college days...never felt in heart at least one time, "If at least one girl/boy looks me or love me with open heart" :P :P :P
That's what my friend told....he was sad that he couldn't find at least one girl in his life who loved him. So he felt, he was not good at all. That's why no girl attracted towards me..... So he was not confident enough to got married. Hoping you understand what I am telling :)

Meera sandhu
yes, then he should observe himself, where he went wrong. If he wont look good then by his behavior he should be attractive. or he should try get a good look. He should get few suggestion from friends like you sandhya

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

yes, then he should observe himself, where he went wrong. If he wont look good then by his behavior he should be attractive. or he should try get a good look. He should get few suggestion from friends like you sandhya

He is my dearest friend and though may not appear very smart, he is very intelligent and a good person at heart.
I also know it from him a few months ago and I was really surprised to hear such a complex!!!
Now, no need to worry about him!!! He has got married last month...a sweet girl, who will fill his life with love and happiness :)

Meera sandhu
thats great to know

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

It's true, even if most people are not interested in a love relation before marriage, yet they love to be loved!!!! they feel more worth. Do you agree with this statement??

Meera sandhu
I feel that love is something that happens without planning at any stage in our life.But during college days one does go through the usual amount of crushes which may not last.It is natural and healthy...But our life does not depend on it because as you grow older your feelings become more intense and steady..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

So, what's your answer?

Meera sandhu
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