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Good character is a result of Money B)

I can't agree with you IC.
Always bad character develops if one have too much money and power in his hand.

Can you illustrate how good character is the result of money?

Character is not related with money poor people have bad characters too rich people have good character to..
ya ofcourse in the modern time people start to run for it from morning to evening to have a better life.

Its because we have made our life like we can't do anything without money some people are there in world too who think of money in dreams also. :laugh:

Good character is a result of Money B)

I can't agree with you IC.
Always bad character develops if one have too much money and power in his hand.

Can you illustrate how good character is the result of money?

Character is not related with money poor people have bad characters too rich people have good character to..

Of course yes, every rich people are not bad or all people with o money or too good or bad either. Money has nothing to do with character.

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They think they can achieve everything with money, so they run behind money. They don't care about the relations.
Most of the people run behind money for their whole life. They wont enjoy their life with the money. They just concentrate on making more and more money.
After on their old ages they think to enjoy but they cant. :) this is What happening mostly :cheer:

Actually when they run after money they think money is ultimate, but when they have it enough they think this is not the ultimate.

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Actually money define the status. If a person has enough money .He can complete all his wishes . So he is do respected by others.
People run for money because money can't run behind people. Am I not right? :P

Meera sandhu
No you are not, they run after money because there is no one else to ru after, a better choice. A gold mine.

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No you are not, they run after money because there is no one else to ru after, a better choice. A gold mine.

But can you imagine money running after people?
It will never happen

Meera sandhu
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