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No Sandya It will never happen in dream also. People must need money compulsary for food and to lead a royal life.

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No you are not, they run after money because there is no one else to ru after, a better choice. A gold mine.

But can you imagine money running after people?
It will never happen

There are so many people in this world whom money runs after. You know Bill gates, Ambanis and Fords ear money while they are still sleeping. This is because the made efforts and ran after it in the beginning.

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Can you tell 100% they are not running after money now, Sunil?

Meera sandhu
Up to a point, after that money runs after people who did things right in the beginning.

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There are 2 kinds of people.

one kind is people will run behind money whom mostly we find in our daily life.

2nd kind is money runs behind the people who has worthable skills and hard word and the person who is very valuable

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Yes I agree with this. Many people are there in the present world who runs for money.

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Because people thinks that money will make them happy..ha ha

Because people thinks that money will make them happy..ha ha

But they forget that money is not everything. :evil:
Because people thinks that money will make them happy..ha ha

But they forget that money is not everything. :evil:

Yes.. But who can tell this thing to those people. :whistle: This chase is endless.

Because people thinks that money will make them happy..ha ha

But they forget that money is not everything. :evil:

Yes.. But who can tell this thing to those people. :whistle: This chase is endless.

That's right we can not do anything but government should think about it. :)
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