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yes, now everything is dependent on money only. Suppose, early morning for having coffee. We need to have a spoon of coffe powder, 2 spoons sugar, and a cup of milk. IF we use all these and prepare then only coffee will be prepare. For all these ingredients we need to purchase. without money we cann't even get a single item of these and prepare coffee.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

yes, now everything is dependent on money only. Suppose, early morning for having coffee. We need to have a spoon of coffe powder, 2 spoons sugar, and a cup of milk. IF we use all these and prepare then only coffee will be prepare. For all these ingredients we need to purchase. without money we cann't even get a single item of these and prepare coffee.

Oh yes money is the basic need but only money is not the need. :)

There are other things too which we need apart from money and that can't be purchased by money at all. :)
yes,sanjeev there are some other things which we cannot purchase but people are not running behind those things

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Over all need of the people is money.But,they knew that without money no one would think about them.
If money is there,everything is there,if money is not there,we are nothing.

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yes,sanjeev there are some other things which we cannot purchase but people are not running behind those things

And that's the reason even those who are millionaire do not have satisfaction in life. :)
They forgetting about that things which we cannot buy with money.

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That's the different story,that being a millionaire,no one gets satisfaction.Yes,it happens,I have seen in various families this thing.

Being millionaire,but one person has lots more diseases,problem in family,disputes,fights and the atmosphere,doesn't looks like a home.

Want to make each day Accountable

When he earned million crores he will eat how much he can eat to his stomach every one earning money for hungry stomach only .

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Human being never get satisfied how much they earn . but still they want to earn and more money.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

More money means more health problems including mental tension to save that from others.

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