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Yes we all need money .
You will get better answer from me if you will can read from my blog B)
Really to fulfill our needs we need money
I am a Coder and Blogger.
Currently pursuing my engineering degree and will be a software engineer in 2013..
I think money is essential in life but not everything.
[quote]Money loss is something loss,
but character loss is everything loss.

Another quote from my side
"If wealth is lost, nothing is lost.
If health is lost, something is lost
If character is lost, Everything is lost" :)[/quote]

For me Money lost everything lost.
The day we born, our parent started spending money on us without money there is no Honey. B)
Good character is a result of Money B)
I am a Coder and Blogger.
Currently pursuing my engineering degree and will be a software engineer in 2013..

Good character is a result of Money B)

I can't agree with you IC.
Always bad character develops if one have too much money and power in his hand.

Can you illustrate how good character is the result of money?

Meera sandhu

Good character is a result of Money B)

I can't agree with you IC.
Always bad character develops if one have too much money and power in his hand.

Can you illustrate how good character is the result of money?

I bet you can't live 2 days without pocket money, no mobile, and nothing at all.
Try to sacrifice everything which you or your father bought with money, and live like a mahatma, then lets see how you will you behave B)

After 2 day:
Sandhya situation :( : Irritated, ready to steal money for food because you are very hungry and when you ask to someone give me food to eat no one will give you without money B)

summary : Good character is the result of money B) I bet you.
I am a Coder and Blogger.
Currently pursuing my engineering degree and will be a software engineer in 2013..
Then tell me,
If you had good health, do you want to steal? Tell me.

Meera sandhu
Information craze,
some people without character also earning much money. so character or without character does not mean for earning money. all kinds of people are earning money. but earning money in correct and truthful manner is the best earning.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I think money is essential in life but not everything.
[quote]Money loss is something loss,
but character loss is everything loss.
I know if money is lost only some thing is lost but if we do not have money even to loose then consider every thing is lost. I am sure about that. The world is changing fast.

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Actually today money leads several types of happiness like a to buy every lifeliving accessories, to enjoy every function conducted at home and others.
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If they don't run for it,lack of it would run them over!!!
{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 5402]}
If they don't run for it,lack of it would run them over!!!

I must agree wit you, lack of money will do no good to them. If any one tinks that some one is going to buy him meals because he has a good character, is making a big mistake.

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